Reply To: read returned error 0

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf read returned error 0 Reply To: read returned error 0


    Hi Julie,

    The errors that the multi-server is displaying are no real errors. Quovadx may fix that in future versions. What you describe looks like a different problem, maybe two different things together.

    The PDL error is probably because the other side closes the connection but it is harmless. The Db_Vista error is an error caused by the engine doing something at the OS level. Check if you have all the access rights correctly (hciverify is a good way to start)

    Do you have an UNIX box? If so, what flavor? AIX? Make sure that nobody is using any of the files that Cloverleaf is using or you may get some access errors.

    Do you have some other info about the SYSTEM/OS error? Does it tell you what kind of return code from the OS is receiving?

    Best regards,
