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Jonathan Hamilton

    You could also read the server.ini file and loop through each process in the environments.  You can use the following tcl code to parse it quickly.

    # Create the path to the server.ini file and read the contents.

    set serverFilePath /hci/root3.8.1P/server/server.ini

    if {[catch {set fileIn [read_file -nonewline $serverFilePath]} emsg]} {echo 0; return {}}

    # Start parsing the file contents to find the environs= entry.

    set linesIn [split $fileIn n]

    set environsIndex [lsearch $linesIn *environs*]

    set environsIn [split [lindex $linesIn $environsIndex] “;”]

    regsub -all “environs=” $environsIn “” environsIn

    You could also do as you suggested and ps -ef | grep for the lock manager.  Depends on what else you may do in the script, as to whether or not you want to loop through all of your sites.