Re: Alternate for table lookup

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Wildcard in Table Lookup Re: Alternate for table lookup

Mike Grieger

    Wildcard use isn’t possible in a table lookup.  An alternate solution that I use for this scenario (we’ve just upgraded to a newer Cbord dietary version where allergies have to be built in a ‘dictionary’, and with our users able to free-text in the allergy in the HIS, I do some intervention).  I use a switch statement, give the literal matches to their corresponding new values, and in the default section (section reached if no match in the top section) I have a series of regexp so a wildcard search can be used.

    lassign $xlateInVals allergy_in

    # set up as proc vs. table so that regexp can be used in the default section, if needed

    switch $allergy_in {

    CHEESE {set xlateOutVals NOCHEESE}

    CHICKEN {set xlateOutVals NOCHICKEN}

    CHOCOLATE {set xlateOutVals NOCHOC}

    EGGS {set xlateOutVals NOEGG}

    FISH {set xlateOutVals NOFISH}

    MILK {set xlateOutVals NOMILK}

    MSG {set xlateOutVals NOMSG}

    MUSHROOMS {set xlateOutVals NOMUSH}

    NUTS {set xlateOutVals NONUT}

    PORK {set xlateOutVals NOPORK}

    STRAWBERRIES {set xlateOutVals NOSTRA}

    default { if {[regexp — {LACTOSE} $allergy_in]} {set xlateOutVals NOLACT}

    if {[regexp — {NUTS} $allergy_in]} {set xlateOutVals NONUT}

    if {[regexp — {CARROT} $allergy_in]} {set xlateOutVals NOCARROT}

    if {[regexp — {PEPPER} $allergy_in]} {set xlateOutVals NOPEPPER}

    if {[regexp — {GREEN BEAN} $allergy_in]} {set xlateOutVals NOGRNBEAN}

