We also ran into some problems with a couple of our connecitons where they get ‘clogged up’ and stop sending messages. The root cause could not be located so a ‘temporary but semi-permanent fix’ was put in place.
An alert was setup to watch the thread and to call an external script when triggered.
{VALUE opque} {SOURCE Test1} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {> 10}} {FOR {nmin 30}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOST {}} {ACTION {{exec {bumpThread.sh Testoutbound Test1}}}}
The script then uses the hcicmd to stop and start the thread.
We created a generic script to allow us to pass in the process and thread names into the script so it can be reused
$1 == Process Name
$2 == Thread Name
#; stop the thread
hcicmd -p $1 -c “$2 pstop”
#; Set for specific timespan but could be changed
#; to watch and wait for the thread to go down before
#; bringing it back up again
sleep 30
#; start the thread
hcicmd -p $1 -c “$2 pstart”