Re: RE: Holding messages in engine

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Holding messages in engine Re: RE: Holding messages in engine

David Dillard


    We do an order consolidation process on some of our inbound order messages which sounds similar to what you are after.

    To do this we use two threads:

  • One to collect messages from the client and store them in a gdbm database

  • A second that pulls the messages from the database and consolidates them.  This is on a timed schedule to allow enough time for the client drop off all the orders in a batch.
  • If you can afford to wait and group messages for a given time frame this will work, however if anything comes in after the cut-off time it will be it’s own message.

    I am not sure exactly what problems you are running into but I am attaching out code in case our code might help.

    The attached DOC will give a better explanation of how the tcl code works.