Not only do you need to modify the hciconnstatus as mentioned above to handle longer thread names, but you must also make the thread names more unique than just adding a digit to the end to differentiate them. The hcicyclesavemsgs has a wild-card build into it when searching the thread names, so the first one it finds in the netconfig is what it will use (which is why it found the same one twice). I believe the snipped below from hcicyclesavemsgs illustrates – look for the ($conn).$
while () {
if (/^S+s+(S+)s+ups+S+.*$/) {
($conn) = $1;
foreach (@NETCONFIG) {
$NCline = $_;
if ($NCline =~ /^protocol ($conn).*$/) {
($conn) = $1;
printf(“nProcessingn Root: %s, site: %s, proc: %s, thread: %sn”,$rootpath,$site,$proc,$conn);