I’m running CL 6.02 on Windows Server.
Any help is appreciated.
This is the error I get. The segments are not out of order in the file I’m testing with.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 1 segment encountered ‘PID’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 2 segment encountered ‘PV1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 3 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 4 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 5 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 6 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 7 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] [mid:0x32c9f78] The # 8 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
[0:TEST] Warning during PathCopy: The # 1 segment encountered ‘PID’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 2 segment encountered ‘PV1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 3 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 4 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 5 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 6 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 7 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
The # 8 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is out of order when parsing hl7 (2.3 {}) for message type ‘DFT_P03’ during the translation(SplitFT1.xlt). Segment ignored.
And here is my attempted XLT:
xlt_infile: hl7 2.3 DFT
who: srvieprod_server
date: March 20, 2018 1:50:40 PM CDT
xlt_outfile: hl7 2.3 DFT
type: xlt
version: 7.0
{ ERR 0 }
{ IN 0(0).MSH(0) }
{ OUT 0(0).MSH(0) }
{ ERR 0 }
{ IN 0(0).PID(0) }
{ OUT 0(0).PID(0) }
{ ERR 0 }
{ IN 0(0).PV1(0) }
{ OUT 0(0).PV1(0) }
{ BASIS 1 }
{ VAR %g1 }
{ TYPE group }
{ BODY {
{ COMMENT {TODO: Insert new actions here} }
{ ERR 0 }
{ IN 1(%g1).0(0).FT1(0) }
{ OUT 1(0).0(0).FT1(0) }
{ { OP COPY }
{ ERR 0 }
{ IN =1 }
{ OUT 1(0).0(0).FT1(0).#1(0) }