Upgrading Windows Server Platform

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  • Creator
  • #55636
    Jay Clements

    Current Version: Cloverleaf 6.1.0

    Current OS: Windows Server 2008 R2

    Layout: Test Server, Production Server

    Destination Version: Cloverleaf 6.2.0

    Destination OS: Windows Server 2012

    Layout: Test Server, Production Server

    Backups: Nightly

    Environment: VM

    We are in the planning stages of both a server OS upgrade and a Cloverleaf software upgrade.

    We figured that if we are going to have the downtime, might as well kill to birds with one stone.

    I have a few questions that maybe those with more experience would be able to help with:

  • 1. Is this a bad idea / exceptionally difficult?

    2. Is there documentation available? The release notes and installation guides don’t say anything about OS upgrades.

    3. Any advice or pitfalls?

  • Thanks,

    Rob Clements

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  • Author
    • #85982
      bill bearden


      We are on Cloverleaf We upgraded back in May 2017. At that time, we also moved from real hardware to virtual machines. I think it was at the same time (I don’t have that in the notes I quickly checked) that we upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2.

      So, I think we moved to 6.2 and Server 2012 and virtual hardware at the same time. It was more “new install” than “upgrade”. That is, we didn’t do an in place upgrade of Windows Server 2008 to 2012. The server guys created the servers and we installed the new Cloverleaf on them.

      Look at the discussion on Performance Issues on 6.2. Our volume is a million messages per month, not a million messages a day. But we have had occasional performance issues in our biggest production site. We don’t know for certain that it is related to the performance issues in the discussion. But it seems likely. You might want to hold off until all 3 fixes are released.


      While it was good to get all the changes (OS, Cloverleaf, hardware) out of the way at once, it leads to uncertainty when there are issues.


    • #85983
      Jay Clements

      Thanks Bill

      I appreciate the pointer to that thread about version issues.

      As to migrations, is there a set of policies on how to actually do the migration of data from server to server? I took the Infor site admin course which only covered using Box for site migration. Is that the preferred method?

      Our roll out is all on VM so we are going to spin up two identical Server 2012 environments, one test and one prod, and start with migration from-test-to-test in order to dogfood the upgrades.

      Thanks again for your response

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