There may be more elegant ways to go about this, but in the past what we have done in this situation is to put a tcl script on the “TPS inbound data ” side of the thread coming from the sending system (SEND_SYS_IN). The script will look for A38 messages and write the whole message to a file (one message per file).
Then I have a cron entry that starts a unix (AIX system) shell script every hour that looks at the directory where the files are written and finds every file that is more than 24 hours old and using the command line version of the cloverleaf commands, replays the messages on a second inbound thread (REPLAY_THREAD_IN) used specifically for the message replay. Both the initial inbound thread and the replay inbound thread are routed to the outbound thread to the receiving system.
SEND_SYS_IN ============> REC SYS_OUT
Any Xlating that needs to be done can be done on the route from REPLAY_THREAD_IN to REC_SYS_OUT.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Craig Weldy
Senior Interface Analyst
Beacon Health System
South Bend, In, 46615
I’d probably route the messages to files (one message per file), and use a fileset-ftp interface to read the files back in. I’d use a dirparse proc on the inbound thread to only read files that were older than 24 hours.
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