Copying some 6.1 alerts to 6.2 prevents MonitorD to start

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Copying some 6.1 alerts to 6.2 prevents MonitorD to start

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  • #55507
    Brenda Carpenter

      Hi All,

      We migrated to CL6.2 this past week and in doing so, we had copied all our current 6.1 alerts over to 6.2.  When we tried to bring up the Monitor Daemon on each of the sites, some would not start up.  We deactivated all the alerts  on 6.2 and then the MonitorD was able to start up successfully.

      Since then I have been debugging and trying to find out why some of the copied 6.1 alerts allow MonitorD to start in 6.2 and some don’t and have found the following work around..  

      Here is what I sent to my co-workers on the interface team, there were two things that throw off the monitor d:


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