I have some files that I need to run through an XLATE to create a tab delimited file output. I’ve used the same VRL for the output in the past, and and that functions fine. The issue is the files I’ve received have carriage returns (CR) at the end. I built and inbound VRL to take the files in, and it function fine but only every processes the first line. It only processes the first line when I use EOF (end of file), and grabs the first line. If I try to do New Line separated (which in Notepad ++ it is a new line, but just with CR) it says it reaches the end of the file without a new line.
“20170811.txt — read 2272 characters but no newline”
I know this has something to do with it not seeing the correct CR/LF because when I manually open the file and return at the end and save it, it processes as new line without an issue.
Anyone have any ways of dealing with this? I think I have the correct global properties for the inbound VRL setup, but it still doesn’t see CR as a new line in the engine for some reason. I’m sure I’m missing something super simple, any suggestions? I’ve included a screenshot of some of my configurations and a screenshot that shows the CR at the end.
Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thank you in advance.