TPS Inbound Reply

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  • #55393
    David Speare

    For some reason I am having trouble with routing a simple inbound message to a new thread. NOTE: This is just a proof of concept.  It does not complete reflect a true workflow.  We are working toward immunization QBP/RSP messages.

    I have an outbound TCP thread sending to another local TCP thread.  The receiving thread has the standard cl_check_ack located on the TPS Inbound Data on the Inbound tab.  The outbound thread (thread receiving the ack) has the following has the following code on the


           run {
               # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                   keylget args MSGID mh
                   set filetoopen [open /qdxtestsites/cis6.1/multi2_tst/data/1RSP.hl7 r]
                   set filedata [read $filetoopen]

                   #echo $filedata
                   set newMsg $filedata

                   echo “***********************”
                   #echo Received:[msgget $mh]
                   msgset $mh $newMsg
                   echo “***********************”
                   lappend “CONTINUE $mh”          

    on the TPS Inbound Reply.  The Trx ID Determination format is set to HL7 and the reply route has a static route set to a thread which writes to file.

    Inside my log file I am getting:

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:   s_vxu_test:05/16/2017 22:29:23] Applying EO config: ”

    [xlt :rout:ERR /0:multi2_tst_xlate:05/16/2017 22:29:23] No routes defined for TrxId ”

    Where am I going wrong?

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  • Author
    • #85160
      Charlie Bursell

      You are getting a reply message which you are trying to route as data

      echo the metadata in $mh and you will see what is happening

    • #85161
      David Speare

      I can’t even get a simple ACK reply to route.  sl_soap_test is sending in an ACK message to dl_soap_test.  I have a raw static REPLY route on dl_soap_test to conn_1.  However, even this simple config is getting a:

      [xlt :rout:ERR /0:multi2_tst_xlate:05/17/2017 10:44:32] No routes defined for TrxId ”

      I’m using hl7_Raw_ack to generate the ack message.

      Do I HAVE to do something with TPS Inbound Reply?  What if I just want to take what I receive and put it somewhere else?

    • #85162
      Levy Lazarre

      Hello, David

      I certainly don’t fully understand what you are trying to accomplish, but I have a couple of suggestions:

      1. The code snippet you showed has an omission in it. You forgot to indicate the disposition list in the “lappend” statement. Typically, it would be something like:

      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

      2. In the “Properties” tab of the thread ‘dl_soap_test’, I would try to enable the box “Messages routed to this connection treated as inbound”. This would allow the incoming message to acquire a TrxId. Then, using this TrxId, I would route the reply as a Message to conn_1 in Route Messages instead of in “Route Replies”.

      I hope this helps.

    • #85163
      Dan Duffley

      Hi David,

      To route a reply to a different thread in 6.1 or greater you need to uncheck the “Route Replies to original source only” box in the process.  It’s a common gotcha when doing reply routes in newer versions.

      Hope this helps,


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