I have an outbound TCP thread sending to another local TCP thread. The receiving thread has the standard cl_check_ack located on the TPS Inbound Data on the Inbound tab. The outbound thread (thread receiving the ack) has the following has the following code on the
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set filetoopen [open /qdxtestsites/cis6.1/multi2_tst/data/1RSP.hl7 r]
set filedata [read $filetoopen]
#echo $filedata
set newMsg $filedata
echo “***********************”
#echo Received:[msgget $mh]
msgset $mh $newMsg
echo “***********************”
lappend “CONTINUE $mh”
on the TPS Inbound Reply. The Trx ID Determination format is set to HL7 and the reply route has a static route set to a thread which writes to file.
Inside my log file I am getting:
[prod:prod:INFO/0: s_vxu_test:05/16/2017 22:29:23] Applying EO config: ”
[xlt :rout:ERR /0:multi2_tst_xlate:05/16/2017 22:29:23] No routes defined for TrxId ”
Where am I going wrong?