No. In a COPY statement the input is always copied to the output. You have to explicitly change it via a store to xlateOutVals. For a CALL statement this does not happen. You must store to outbound via XPM commands
If in a COPY the first action in your Xlate is like: set var [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
Then: set var [lindex $xlateOutVals 0]
Will produce the same results
We used to do this as a joke to confuse co-workers 😀
Your flow would be
xlateInVals => xlateOutVals _> pre proc to include set XlateOutvals to new value. Pre proc in this context could be in line or external
I agree with Jim that your best bet would be to copy to a temp value that has the toupper and call Table with that
Do a table call in your pre proc and set xlateOutVals with that.
In all of the interfaces I have ever done, and I did a few, I never had a legitimate reason to use a post proc in Xlate