We recently upgraded our test site from CL 5.7 on Linux to CL 6.1.2 on Windows and are having extreme slowness processing messages. Server is Windows 2012 R2, 4 processor 16GB RAM (way more horsepower than what we have for the Linux production machine). CPU and disk utilization is very low. But messages queue up and take forever to even process through an Xlate and write to a file. Tried switching back from SMAT DB to old school SMAT files. That didn’t help. We uninstalled all the anti-virus software. No improvement. Support is through McKesson and they’re stumped.
It’s so slow that we keep getting these errors from cl_check_ack on the receiving threads:
‘KILL ‘ (returned by ‘cl_check_ack ‘) does not match { }
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0: to_xxxx:08/16/2016 11:01:17] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
Any thoughts/feedback greatly appreciated!