GM 6.1.1 SMAT search error

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Global Monitor Global Monitor GM 6.1.1 SMAT search error

  • Creator
  • #54989
    Christopher Wells

      We are running GM 6.1.1 and Cloverleaf 6.1.1.  We recently started seeing an error occur when a GM user was attempting to perform a SMAT search using the left-click SMAT search option from the GM Net Monitor screen.  When they select the search option via this method, the GM SMAT tool window appears, but errors out.  This also causes the Cloverleaf host server to crash on the Cloverleaf side.  The following error message is produced in the integrator root directory (full error in attached file):

      A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


      #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0030ef3b, pid=14004, tid=3615927152


      # JRE version: 7.0_25-b15

      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (23.25-b01 mixed mode linux-x86 )

      # Problematic frame:

      # C  []  initSqliteDb(smatQueryInput*, sqlite3**)+0x3e9

      We have a work-around.  Accessing the GM SMAT tool directly from the SMAT widget, not through the Net Monitor left-click menu, does not produce this error and allows normal SMAT searches/usage.

      This only appears to occur on one of our sites.  A similar site with a larger number of threads/SMAT database files does not throw the same error.  We are using SMAT database exclusively on both sites, no SMAT flat files.

      Has anyone seen this before and/or know what might be causing this/how to resolve it?

      Thanks for any input,

      Christopher Wells

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    • Author
      • #83700
        Rob Lindsey

          At Quest we are seeing the same error and will be working with R&D next week to try and track this down. It is surprising that it crashes the Host Server on the CL 6.1.1 server. The site that this is occurring on also does have SMAT DBs turned on. We only have one site in QA turned on with SMAT DB.

          Suggest you put in a ticket for this so that they will know that it is just not a signgle company that is seeing this.

        • #83701
          Christopher Wells

            Thanks for the input.  We have already opened a ticket, but it does not sound like we have made it as far along as you.  Our ticket is Incident 9342532.  If you will give me your ticket number, I’ll post it to our incident.  Perhaps if we cross-reference our incidents it will get more attention.


            Christopher Wells

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