Need to replace the | (pipe) in OBX.5 with F

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  • #54975
    Frank Urbanija

    Within the OBX segment in the result area (OBX.5) if there is a | within the text the remote system believe this is a field delimeter so it messes up the text result.  I need to replace the | with F.

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  • Author
    • #83644
      aaron kaufman-moore

      I’d use a regsub in a pre-proc command would be:

      regsub -all {|} $ {\F\}

    • #83645
      Jim Kosloskey

      I would thiink this would need to be done at the field level. Doing it unilaterally at the message level would probably result in an unusable HL/7 message don’t you think?

      Like MSHF&^~Fib systemFib appF instead of

      MSH|&^~|ib system|ib app|

      Now how you are going to recognize the specific field when a field separator is imbedded is a good question.

      Personally I feel the resolution belongs with the source system before the message is sent.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #83646
      Frank Urbanija

      Need to do this just for OBX.5  The regsub

    • #83647
      Frank Urbanija

      Doing following in testing but also replacing the field seperators – | pipe after OBX.5. with F and I just want OBX.5 to be changed if | appears within OBX.5

      set sep [csubstr $msg 3 1] ;# HL7 field separator    

         set sub [csubstr $msg 4 1] ;# HL7 subfield separator    

         set segments [split $msg r] ;# Get segments

         set outbuf “” ;# Holds outbound message

      foreach seg $segments {

      if [cequal $seg “”] { continue } ;# Just in case

      set segtype [csubstr $seg 0 3] ;# segment type

      echo >>>>>> SEGTYPE $segtype

      if [cequal $segtype OBX ] { ;# OBX?

      set fields [split $seg $sep] ;# Fields

         echo >>>>>>>>>>> $fields $seg $sep

            set sep “|”

      set obx5 [string trimright [join [lrange $fields 5 end] $sep] $sep]

                # regsub -all “|” $obx5 “\F\” obx5

      regsub -all  — {(|)} $obx5 {\F\} obx5

      set obx [join [lreplace $fields 5 end $obx5] $sep]

    • #83648
      Charlie Bursell

      Jim is right.  This should be resolved at the source

      If you know the extra pipe is always there it would not be hard.  But what if it is not?  You must have some of a priori knowledge of the structure

      For example, if you do not need any data after field five you could split on the field separator and then join list elements 5 and 6 with the F  before putting the segment back together.

      It is really a pain that should resolved by the source that is sending an illegal HL7 message

    • #83649
      Rehman Masood

      Epic does this on their outbound documentation interface. I solved this by setting up Epic to send the RTF in OBX-5 as base64 encoded (there is a PV that allows this) and then on my way switching it back to RTF, I replaced | as F and so forth. Jim/Charlie, are you right. If the source system can’t send it then see if they can send the data as base64 encoded where it might become a little bit easier for u to handle this.

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