Creating a new message based on each OBR

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  • #54925
    Jawad Chaudhry

    I need help with a tcl script to create a new message based on each ORU and the OBX that follows that ORU. For example:

    ORU |a||||

    OBX |a||||||

    ORU |b|||||

    OBX |b||||

    new message 1:

    ORU |a|||||

    OBX |a|||||

    new message 2:

    ORU |b||||||

    OBX |b||||||

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  • Author
    • #83472
      Charlie Bursell

      I know Jim K. will figure out some way to do this in Xlate  ðŸ˜€

      What is the entire message configuration>  Are the ORU/OBX pairs the last segments?  It would be much easier if they were.  Can we also assume that each OBR will always be followed by one OBX?  Any algorithm must be based on valid assumptions

      Assume you know how to do the first part with the HL7 split, etc.

      # We will always KILL the original message

      set dispList

        # Find first OBR and make a message header there

        set obxLoc [lsearch -regexp $segList {^OBR}]

        # all upto but not including first OBR

        incr obxLoc -1

        set baseHL7 [lrange $segList 0 $obrLoc]

        # Now just loop through and grab

        foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp {^OBR}] {


            set OBR [lindex $segList $loc]

            set OBX [lindex $segList [expr $loc + 1]]

            # New message.  Do not forget CR at the end

            set newMsg [lappend dispList $OBR $OBX “”]

            set nmh [msgcopy $mh]

            msgset $nmh [join $newMsg r]

            lappend dispList “CONTINUE $nmh”]


        return $dispList

        The above is off the top of my head so there may be some fat-fingered  mistakes.

        It is based on the assumptions I made above.  If not true we would need to know complete message structure and modify code

    • #83473
      Jawad Chaudhry

      thanks for the reply!

      So the message could have many OBX’s with each OBR. I dont know if that matters.

      I am getting confused on the foreach statement. It keeps putting out multple OBR’s and multple OBX’s  This is what I used based on what you gave me:

      foreach segment $segmentlist {

      set newobr [lsearch -glob -regexp $segmentlist ^OBR]

          set OBR [lindex $segmentlist $newobr]

          set OBX [lindex $segmentlist [expr $newobr + 1]]

      puts $OBR


      When I print out the OBR for example, it prints out only the first one multple times. I need it to pring each of the ones i have in the message. this is what its doing based on above code:

      OBR|1|367718|4050310755|PXCBC1^Parexel Complete Blood Count w/Different|||201512170459|||||||201512170541||||||||201512170550||HEMEH|F||^^^^^R|||||AUTO

      OBR|1|367718|4050310755|PXCBC1^Parexel Complete Blood Count w/Different|||201512170459|||||||201512170541||||||||201512170550||HEMEH|F||^^^^^R|||||AUTO

      Its doing this multple times.

    • #83474
      Charlie Bursell

      I should have know I would fat-finger it if I did not test  ðŸ˜³

      Here is as it should be.  Modified to handle multiple OBX segments after the OBR.  It still assumes the OBR/OBX segments are last in the message

      I did test it    ðŸ™‚

             run {

                 # Message handle

                 keylget args MSGID mh

                 # Get msg and split into a list of segs

                 set msg [msgget $mh]

                 set segList [split $msg r]

                 # We will always KILL the original message

                 set dispList

                   # Find first OBR and make a message header there

                   set obrLoc [lsearch -regexp $segList {^OBR}]

                   # All upto but not including first OBR

                   incr obrLoc -1

                   set baseHL7 [lrange $segList 0 $obrLoc]

                   # Now just loop through and grab OBR/OBX

                   foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp $segList {^OBR}] {

                       # Get OBR segment

                       set OBR [lindex $segList $loc]

                       # Start building new message

                       set newMsg [lappend baseHL7 $OBR]

                       # Possible multiple OBX

                       # See how many OBX segments follow

                       set OBXloc $loc; incr OBXloc

                       # First segment following OBR

                       set OBX [lindex $segList $OBXloc]

                       # While we have OBX segments, append to new message

                       while {[regexp — {^OBX} $OBX]} {

                           # Add OBX

                           set newMsg [lappend newMsg $OBX]

                           # Get next and check for OBX

                           incr OBXloc

                           set OBX [lindex $segList $OBXloc]


                       # Do not forget CR at the end

                       set newMsg [lappend newMsg “”]

                       # New message

                       set nmh [msgcopy $mh]

                       msgset $nmh [join $newMsg r]

                       lappend dispList “CONTINUE $nmh”


                   # Send them on

                   return $dispList


    • #83475
      Jim Kosloskey

      This certainly could be done in an Xlate – but as I recall Medstar does not use Xlates.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #83476
      David Coffey

      You may wish to add a modification to the MSH Control ID,  Some systems will drop messages where the control id of the current message matches the previous.

    • #83477
      Christopher Wells

      Thanks for posting this solution.  It helped me out with a coding issue I was having when creating multiple OB messages from one IB. I was getting an ‘Invalid MSI index -1’ error.  Bottom line, I was not killing the original message.

      Christopher Wells

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