strange Xlate IF logic bug

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  • Creator
  • #54850
    Daniel Lee

    I’m using Cloverleaf 6.1 on Windows Server 2008 R2.

    In my Xlate I’m checking the OBX-3.1 against a Table and if the value is not found in the table then the default output is “0”.  The goal is to suppress the OBX segment if the value is not in the table.  To do this I have my pathcopy and all of my copy statements for the OBX in an IF statement that evaluates if the output of the table is “0”.

    THE ABOVE CODE WORKS.  So that’s not the issue.

    The issue is that when I use my if statement in my Xlate to evaluate if the output of the table the process panics.  Below outlines the very odd behavior of this Xlate.

    The If statement is:  @vitalsInd ne =0

    1)  If I change the above if statement to say @vitalsInd eq =0 it does not panic!  (of course it gives me the exact opposite of what I want)

    2) If I change the above if statement to say @vitalsInd ne =”0″ it does not panic.  (but then it also doesn’t suppress any of the OBX segments.

    3) When I put debug statements in the Xlate I can see the Xlate is completing fine.  It’s just bombing out when it tries to write the outbound message.

    Below is the panic message that I’m getting and attached is my Xlate screenshot.


    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread fr_site1_vitals_adt_p5 not auto-started.
    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread fr_site1_bar_p5 not auto-started.
    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread to_dbM_bar_p5 not auto-started.
    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread to_dbM_vitals_adt_p5 not auto-started.
    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread to_dbM_dev_bar_p5 not auto-started.
    [prod:prod:INFO/0:    proc5_cmd:10/12/2015 12:21:58] Thread to_dbM_dev_vitals_adt_p5 not auto-started.
    [tcl :out :INFO/0:  proc5_xlate:10/12/2015 12:21:59] XLT is loaded from local site, read e:cloverleafcis6.1integrator__Flagler_Master/formats/hl7/2.5.1/Allscripts_SCM_Vitals/fields from master
    [tcl :out :INFO/0:  proc5_xlate:10/12/2015 12:21:59] XLT is loaded from local site, loading e:cloverleafcis6.1integrator__Flagler_Master/Tables/Normalized_GenderCode_v2.tbl from master site
    [pti :sign:WARN/0:  proc5_xlate:10/12/2015 12:21:59] Thread 1 ( proc5_xlate ) received signal EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:
    [pti :sign:WARN/0:  proc5_xlate:–/–/—- –:–:–]   The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
    [pti :sign:WARN/0:  proc5_xlate:10/12/2015 12:21:59] PC = 0xffffffff
    PANIC: “0”
    PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread proc5_cmd
    —– Scheduler State —–
    Thread Events     State      Priority Runnable  PT Msgs
      0      0   SCHED_IDLE         0       0       0,0,0
      1      0   SCHED_RUNNING      0       0       1,0,0

    ————– Thread 0 (proc5_cmd)————–
    ti: 0x00DFAB90
       tid           :    0
       HostPthreadId : 0x00000000
       EventList     : 0x00DDF648
       PolledEvents  : 0x00DDF660
       PthreadEvent  : 0x00DFBDB0
       ReadyEvents   : 0x00DFD238
       CtrlMsgs      : 0x00DFD250
       UserCtrlMsgs  : 0x00DFD268
       UserDataMsgs  : 0x00DFD280
       StartArgs     : 0x00000000
       SchedState    : SCHED_IDLE
       SchedPriority : 0
       Killed        : 0
    —– Registered Events —–
    el: 0x00DDF648
       elCount : 2
       elHead: 0x00DFD2B0
       elTail: 0x02CBB750
    ele: 0x00DFD2B0
       event: 0x00DFBDB0
       prev : 0x0
       next : 0x2cbb750
    ev: 0xdfbdb0
        evType     : PTHREADS
        evStrDesc    :
        evSocket     : 0
        evHandle     : 0
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 0
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x0
        evCallBack   : 0x0
        evCbShutdown : 0x0
        evRecurFreq  :
    ele: 0x02CBB750
       event: 0x02C02E08
       prev : 0xdfd2b0
       next : 0x0
    ev: 0x2c02e08
        evType     : SOCKET
        evStrDesc    : Command port listen
        evSocket     : 1156
        evHandle     : 0
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 0
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x2cb4910
        evCallBack   : 0x40cb10
        evCbShutdown : 0x40d290
        evRecurFreq  :

    —– Polled Events —–
    el: 0x00DDF660
       elCount : 0
       elHead: 0x00000000
       elTail: 0x00000000
    —– Ready Events —–
    el: 0x00DFD238
       elCount : 0
       elHead: 0x00000000
       elTail: 0x00000000
    —– Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x00DFD250
    Count   : 0
    Head    : 0x00000000
    Tail    : 0x00000000
    —– Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x00DFD268
    Count   : 0
    Head    : 0x00000000
    Tail    : 0x00000000
    —– Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x00DFD280
    Count   : 0
    Head    : 0x00000000
    Tail    : 0x00000000

    ————– Thread 1 (proc5_xlate)————–
    ti: 0x02F9BA18
       tid           :    1
       HostPthreadId : 0x000004A4
       EventList     : 0x0304B7A0
       PolledEvents  : 0x0304B5A8
       PthreadEvent  : 0x02DAC1D0
       ReadyEvents   : 0x0304B1B8
       CtrlMsgs      : 0x0304B5D8
       UserCtrlMsgs  : 0x0304B290
       UserDataMsgs  : 0x0304B2A8
       StartArgs     : 0x030660F8
       SchedState    : SCHED_RUNNING
       SchedPriority : 0
       Killed        : 1
    —– Registered Events —–
    el: 0x0304B7A0
       elCount : 5
       elHead: 0x0304B500
       elTail: 0x034364B0
    ele: 0x0304B500
       event: 0x02DAC1D0
       prev : 0x0
       next : 0x304b2d8
    ev: 0x2dac1d0
        evType     : PTHREADS
        evStrDesc    :
        evSocket     : 0
        evHandle     : 0
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 1
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x3066438
        evCallBack   : 0x50d040
        evCbShutdown : 0x50d1e0
        evRecurFreq  :
    ele: 0x0304B2D8
       event: 0x02DAC270
       prev : 0x304b500
       next : 0x304b518
    ev: 0x2dac270
        evType     : SOCKET
        evStrDesc    : ICL Server Listen
        evSocket     : 1432
        evHandle     : 0
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 1
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x3064878
        evCallBack   : 0x50cf20
        evCbShutdown : 0x50d1e0
        evRecurFreq  :

    ele: 0x0304B518
       event: 0x02DAC3B0
       prev : 0x304b2d8
       next : 0x3436480
    ev: 0x2dac3b0
        evType     : POLLED
        evStrDesc    :
        evSocket     : 0
        evHandle     : 0
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 1
        evState      : 2
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x2fd1210
        evCallBack   : 0x521f40
        evCbShutdown : 0x0
        evRecurFreq  :
    ele: 0x03436480
       event: 0x030E9408
       prev : 0x304b518
       next : 0x34364b0
    ev: 0x30e9408
        evType     : NT_EVENT
        evStrDesc    : New Thread
        evSocket     : 0
        evHandle     : 1444
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 1
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x3442000
        evCallBack   : 0x5259a0
        evCbShutdown : 0x0
        evRecurFreq  :

    ele: 0x034364B0
       event: 0x030E8558
       prev : 0x3436480
       next : 0x0
    ev: 0x30e8558
        evType     : NT_EVENT
        evStrDesc    : Xlate thread Eng Event
        evSocket     : 0
        evHandle     : 1504
        evMsgQue     : 0
        evTid        : 1
        evState      : 0
        evPtMsg      : 0x0
        evUserData   : 0x2fd1210
        evCallBack   : 0x5212c0
        evCbShutdown : 0x0
        evRecurFreq  :

    —– Polled Events —–
    el: 0x0304B5A8
       elCount : 1
       elHead: 0x0304B260
       elTail: 0x0304B260
    ele: 0x0304B260 — POLLED event: 0x02DAC3B0
    —– Ready Events —–
    el: 0x0304B1B8
       elCount : 0
       elHead: 0x00000000
       elTail: 0x00000000
    —– Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x0304B5D8
    Count   : 1
    Head    : 0x03470018
    Tail    : 0x03470018
    PthreadMsg: 0x03470018
       ptmType   : 1
       ptmSender : 1
       ptmCtrl   : 3358
       ptmNext   : 0x00000000
       ptmDataPtr: 0x00000000
       ptmDataInt: 0
    —– Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x0304B290
    Count   : 0
    Head    : 0x00000000
    Tail    : 0x00000000
    —– Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs —–
    pmq: 0x0304B2A8
    Count   : 0
    Head    : 0x00000000
    Tail    : 0x00000000

    PANIC: Calling “dbi shutdown” for thread proc5_cmd
    PANIC: Calling “dbi shutdown” for thread proc5_xlate
    PANIC: Process panic—engine going down
    PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at PthreadInterface.cpp/766

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  • Author
    • #83209
      Daniel Lee

      I’ve figured out the problem but have no idea why it’s a problem.  Seems like a bug to me but I have found a workaround.

      The problem is with my variant.  I’m trying to use one variant for all message types so I do not have to write and maintain multiple Xlates.  The problem is that with an A01, A08, and A04 the OBX segments are before the DG1 and for A03’s the OBX segments are after the DG1.  To avoid having to create multiple Xlates I built my variants as follows:



      I’m also not copying the DG1 segments to my outbound variant.

      So, I’m not sure why the IF @vitalsInd ne =0 causes a problem when trying to copy the OBX segments to the second group but when I changed my code to write them to the first group it fixed the problem.

      I do understand why the variant would get confused but what I don’t understand is what is the difference between a “ne” and “eq”.  Why would a “ne” cause problems but an “eq” did not?

      Anyways, this works now so I’m ok.

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