I want to have 1 thread handling 3 file types and depending on the file, the correct route will be chosen.
For example three file types… the files are pre processed and a header is added. File 1 gets XXX as the first 3 characters, File 2 gets ZZZ as the first 3 characters and File 3 gets FFF as the first three characters.
I want all 3 of the files to go to the same inbound folder for this thread. I want to use routes and route detail to determine which xlate the file runs on based on the headers.. XXX, ZZZ or FFF. (I have 3 xlates, one for each file type ZZZ, FFF, XXX – all 3 files are FRL in HL7 out) The outbound folder is the same for all 3 files types.
How do I do this? How do I tell the route to say okay this is the XXX file then use the XXX123.xlt for this file, oh, this file is ZZZ so use the ZZZ123.xlt on this file. I have done with with ADT using ADT |1|2|3|4 etc.. type notation… but how do I do this for an FRL inbound format??