Alert for *Last Rd: Never*

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  • Creator
  • #54818
    Tim Jipson

      Is there a way to configure Last Received or another alert to detect a resent thread bounce(ie. Last Rd: Never)?

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    • Author
      • #83111
        Russ Ross

          Here is an example of what we use to check if nothing received for 30 minutes in this case, some interfaces are set to as low as 5 minutes but this might get you started.

          This alert will go off once an hour Mon-Fri 7AM-7PM as long as nothing has been received for at least 30 minutes (1800 seconds).


             { NAME {ib_ml_ord_a L1 (Last Recieved – 1800 seconds) Mon-Fri (7AM-7PM)} }
             { GROUPS ml_ord_a }
             { VALUE lastr }
             { SOURCE ib_ml_ord_a }
             { WITH 1 }
             { COMP {>= 1800} }
             { FOR once }
             { REPEATING {
                 { MAX 11 }
                 { TIME {nmin 60} }
             } }
             { WINDOW {* * 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 * * 1,2,3,4,5} }
             { ACTION {
                 { exec {recycle_thread_alert.ksh   “email_interface_help,page_hub_on_call,”   ‘HUB on-call have Cerner ML admin check their ord_a sender interface; p_ib_lab_1/ib_ml_ord_a – nothing received for at least 1800 seconds’     ib_ml_ord_a     ml_ord_a} }
             } }

          Russ Ross

        • #83112
          Tim Jipson

            That only works if a message has been received prior to 30 minuntes. If that thread is restarted and a message is never received then lastr will not trigger.

            I had to use cron to schedule a script that parses hcimsiutil data to alert properly. In most cases I wouldn’t care if the “Last Rd” and “Last Wt” values were Never but this is a special case.

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