You can run more than one version of Cloverleaf on one machine. Have a look at your login-scripts; you should put a ‘setroot’ in there to set the active version when you logon.
** Edit: Ignore this; I read your question completely wrong. You upgraded your tcl version, not put another Cloverleaf version on the same server.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
Tcl and tcl packages are installed with Cloverleaf, embedded into the installation. We are currently on Tcl 8.5 with an upgrade to Tcl 8.6 due out with Cloverleaf 6.2.
Why are you trying to update the embedded version of Tcl? Is there a feature in Tcl 8.6 that you need to use?
-- Max Drown (Infor)
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