Database Administrator hung for over 5 hours

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  • Creator
  • #54712
    Diana Schmidt

    I have heard that you are never supposed to stop the Database Administrator, but ours appears to be hung. There were 10 errors when this was run and it has been going for over 5 hours.

    Is there any way to kill it or do I need to drop everything and do that database cleanup and reboot?  thanks.

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  • Author
    • #82674
      Diana Schmidt

      Ok, did I do that poor of a job explaining our issue or has this never happened before? Any help would be appreciated.

      At this time we have taken our cloverleaf engine all the way down & back up again without any issues.

      We were just very worried because we had been told to Never stop a running database administrator search.

    • #82675
      Tom Rioux

      Were you using the hcidbdump command to search?   I’ve never seen this get hung before.   It can appear to be if there are a lot of messages in the recovery or error database.

      What were you attempting to search?


    • #82676
      Darcy Kemp

      Generally we use the command window to run hcidbdump, but had seen that the particular thread had 10 error messages and since some patients were reported ‘missing’, we just wanted to check it and used the Gui tool for that destination thread, to view the error messages in a long format.

      We have used this before to research successfully, however it got hung and I wonder if it was the GUI.  10 messages should not have caused it to hang unless it was because we didn’t choose a source, just the destination.   Could that have made the difference?  thanks

    • #82677

      Darcy, how many messages are in the recovery and the error database? If you’re on a newer version of Cloverleaf, you can get a count like this:

      hcidbdump -r -U darcy -C

      hcidbdump -e -U darcy -C

      You’ll have to go ahead and kill the GUI I’m afraid. Which means you may or may not have to do some recovery on the databases. Keep in mind that as long as SMAT is turned on, the data can always be recovery from SMAT and resent if necessary.

      After you close the GUI, do another hcidbdump on both databases.

      I generally do not use DB GUI for prod databases because the networking can cause issues with timeouts during a large query. With the Raima databases, it’s best to “get in and get out” and so the command line is the best tool for that.

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #82678
      Darcy Kemp

      There should have been few errors or recovery, because they had been cleaned up a few days prior…(from the cmd line).  

      We were searching for 10 reported error messages on a destination thread, that has only one inbound feed to it.  

      We only recently started to use that tool, and has seemed ok, up until the other day.    We did eventually drop everything and cleaned up, and we came up ok.    I guess we will go back to the shell window.  Thanks!

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