Sending images in HL7

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  • Creator
  • #54663
    Tom Rioux

      Does anyone have any experience in sending image files within an HL7 message?  If so, I would love to discuss it with you as I’m being asked about building an interface to do this.


      Tom Rioux

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    • Author
      • #82469
        Rob Lindsey


          We do interfaces with PDFs that have images embedded in them.  Is that the type of interface you are talking about?  We use Base64/Mime encoding to get the data through the interface engine.


        • #82470
          Robert Kersemakers

            Same here: recently we are getting embedded PDFs in ORU messages. The embedded PDF is base64 encoded when we receive it. We take this base64 part, decode it and write it to a file. Then the receiving system gets a message with a pointer to this PDF-file.

            Here is the part where the file is written; the pdf-part is in $b64:


                                   package require base64

                                   set fileId [open $fileout “w”]
                                   fconfigure $fileId -translation binary
                                   puts -nonewline $fileId [::base64::decode $b64]
                                   close $fileId

            Remember to configure the file as binary, or you won’t be able to open the pdf correctly.

            The other way around (receiving a pdf-file and sending it out as embedded) shouldn’t be any more difficult.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #82471
            Tom Rioux

              Thanks for the responses.

            • #82472
              Rob Abbott

                Tom you can use a cURL call or the web services adapter to fetch the image.   You’d then want to base64 encode it before you store it into the HL7 message.

                Rob Abbott
                Cloverleaf Emeritus

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