I am looking for a little help here in editing a free text field. Below is a sample OBR segment with OBR-13 (in red) being field I’m working with. What I am trying to do is remove everything prior to the semi-colon and pass everything after the semi colon on to the receiving system. So I’m trying to turn “Jump up and down ; Cysto-Grafin, 25 ml” into “Cysto-Grafin, 25 ml”
OBR|1|806963201^HNAM_ORDERID||7000010^CT Abdomen w Cont 74160|CT||20150220140122|20150220140131|||||Jump up and down ; Cysto-Grafin, 25 ml
I am using an Xlate for this interface and have tried a few things myself from researching other threads but can’t quite get the result I’m needing.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide!