Global Monitor 6.1 – SMAT Searching – Lost Message Viewer

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Global Monitor Global Monitor Global Monitor 6.1 – SMAT Searching – Lost Message Viewer

  • Creator
  • #54541
    Peter Heggie

      When using the administrator ID in Global Monitor 6.1, we did something, not sure what, and now we can’t see the Message Viewer window in the SMAT console. When I log in using my own ID, I can see and use the Message Viewer, but when logged in as administrator, all I get is the Message Table window.

      Has anyone seen this before? Is there a fix?



      Peter Heggie

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    • Author
      • #81921
        Keith McLeod

          What is required to establish SMAT viewing in Global Monitor.  I am running the 6.1 Linux version of GM.  We have it set up for basic viewing of sites , thread stats, commands and output, ad notes viewing.

          I will review the release notes and installation instructions to see what I missed…

          Also running Cloverleaf 6.1 on Linux and AIX.

        • #81922
          Peter Heggie

            First, I did find out from Infor Support that the problem has a quick fix – there were two icons near the top that represented the ‘missing’ windows, and all I had to do was to drag and drop those icons to open space below and the icons expanded into the full windows.

            Second, We did not have to do anything special to get SMAT searching setup in Global Monitor. It works the same way that Cloverleaf 6.1 smat database works.

            Peter Heggie

          • #81923
            Keith McLeod

              Found it.  On the Host List, Configure Hosts tab, there is a configure SMAT sites for viewing….

              Then it works just like you had indicated Peter…. Thanks

            • #81924
              Keith McLeod

                When enabling SMAT on Global monitor, be aware that it creates a smatsearchindex directory on you Cloverleaf server in each site you enable.  The directory will contain much of the directory structure that exists under the exec/processes directory out through the SMAT files themselves.  It can get fairly large quickly and consume much disk space.  If your Cloverleaf root is not that large, you may want to consider a symbolic link to a location with ample space.

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