Nested IF statements

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  • Creator
  • #54478
    Robert Denny

      I have a script and need to convert NTE segments to OBXs along with other mods. When I hit the NTE 3 segment I need to do some logic on the data following in the -> characters. For some reason I am not able to build the OBX segment from within the IF statement in which I am checking the condistion of the data following the -> characters. Here is the inbound NTEs. (some of the variables are from other trials, this did work, but now we have changed the ORM message, which is why I need to do this logic)

      NTE|1||Length of Study->30 Days||

      NTE|2||Special instructions (if applicable):->Test eCardio order||

      NTE|3||Service/Device Type->Mobile Cardiac Telemetry||

      NTE|4||Serial Number->serial #||

      Here is my logic I am trying to use.

      if { ($segID == “NTE”) } {

                            set mct “Mobile Cardiac Telemetry”

                            set cem “Cardiac Event Monitor”

                            set MCT MCT

                            set CEM CEM



                            set fieldList [split $segment $fldSep]

                            set NTE3 [lindex $fieldList 3]

                            set NTE3ran [string range $NTE3 0 3]

      echo “NTE3ran = $NTE3ran”



                          if {[cequal $NTE3ran “Leng”]} {                                

                                set nteCnt 1                                  

                                set lenList [split $segment |]

                                set NTElen3 [lindex $lenList 3]

                                set nte31 [string range $NTElen3 16 end]

                                set obxSeg “OBX|$nteCnt|ST|12918^Deploy Duration (In Days)||$nte31”

                                incr nteCnt                                  

                                lvarpop segList $count

                                set count [incr count -1]


                          if {[cequal $NTE3ran “Spec”]} {

                                lvarpop segList $count

                                set count [incr count -1]


                          if {[cequal $NTE3ran “Serv”]} {

                                 set nte3 [lindex $fieldList 3]  

      echo “nte3 = $nte3”                                            


                                 set nte3serv [string range $nte3 20 end]

      echo “nte3serv = $nte3serv”

                                 if {[cequal $nte3serv “Mobile Cardiac Telemetry”]} {

                                 set obxSeg2 “OBX|$nteCnt|ST|12916^Service/Device Type||$MCT”

                                 incr nteCnt

                                 lvarpop segList $count

                                 set count [incr count -1]



                          #      set obxSeg2 “OBX|$nteCnt|ST|12916^Service/Device Type||$CEM”

         #echo “obxSeg2 = $obxSeg2”                                      


              #                  incr nteCnt

              #                  lvarpop segList $count

              #                  set count [incr count -1]


                          if {[cequal $NTE3ran “Seri”]} {

                                set seriList [split $segment |]

      #echo “seriList = $seriList”

                                set NTEseri3 [lindex $seriList 3]

      #echo “nteseri3 = $NTEseri3”

                                set nte3 [string range $NTEseri3 21 end]

      #echo “nte3 = $nte3”              

                                set obxSeg3 “OBX|$nteCnt|ST|12917^Hookup Location||Office”

                                incr nteCnt

                                set obxSeg4  “OBX|$nteCnt|ST|12919^Ssrial Number||$nte3”                

                                set newNTESeg [concat $obxSegr$obxSeg2r$obxSeg3r$obxSeg4]

                                set segList [lreplace $segList $count $count $newNTESeg]                        




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    • Author
      • #81633
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Robert,

          What is going wrong exactly?

          I see some things that I would do differently (like splitting the NTE-value on ‘->’, so there is no need to use a specific ‘string range’ for each NTE segment), but that won’t help fix your problem. Is there an error? Are the extra OBX-segments not included in your result?

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #81634
          Robert Denny

            Yes, when testing I get the error that nteSeg2 is not found, or available?

          • #81635
            Robert Kersemakers

              I can’t see a variable called ‘nteSeg2’ in this code. So this either means that you are using this variable somewhere without it being initialized. Or somewhere another variable is used in such a way that it is not clear which variable it is.

              For example, you are using the variables $nte3 and $nte3serv, which can lead to problems. If you then do something like this:


              set output “$nteserv3”

              will output contain the value of $nteserv3, or the value of $nte followed by the text “serv3”?

              To be sure what you mean, just use braces on variable names:


              set output “${nteserv3}”



              set output “${nte}serv3”

              I suspect this happens somewhere else as well. Not sure though.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #81636
              Robert Denny

                It was my mistake. I need something that helps me see better.

                Your pointer about the > character helped. I was not stripping that off and so it would never match my variable.

                Thank you for your time and help with this.

              • #81637
                Robert Kersemakers

                  No problem. Glad you solved it.

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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