last receive alert false alarm

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf last receive alert false alarm

  • Creator
  • #54461
    Daniel Lee

      We are using Cloverleaf 5.8.5 and every once and a while we get a false alarm on one of our last receive alerts.

      VALUE lastr

      SOURCE surgery_consumption_IN

      WITH -1

      COMP (>=1200)

      FOR once

      WINDOW 1-5/21:35-21:36/*/*

      The above alarm triggered on 11/13 @ 9:35 and if you look at the attached screenshot of the thread status you’ll see the last read time was 9:31 on 11/13 which is within 1200 seconds from when the alert fired.

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    • Author
      • #81588
        Russ Ross

          One possibility that could cause this is creating an alert for another interface by copying the alert for this interface and over looking to change the wording of the copied alert.

          At least I hope I’m not the only one in the world that has done this.

          Russ Ross

        • #81589
          Daniel Lee


            One possibility that could cause this is creating an alert for another interface by copying the alert for this interface and over looking to change the wording of the copied alert.

            Wow, wouldn’t have thought of that.  I did double check though and this was not the case for the alert.

          • #81590
            Robert Kersemakers

              Alert looks ok. This is how we have some ‘last received’ alerts configured:


                 { GROUPS dft_in }

                 { VALUE lastr }

                 { SOURCE {glims_dft } }

                 { WITH -1 }

                 { COMP {>= 1800} }

                 { FOR once }

                 { WINDOW {* 45 05 * * 1-5} }

                 { ACTION {

                     { exec {$HCISITEDIR/data/scripts/write_alert dft glims_dft lr touch mail} }

                 } }

              So your window-settings are a bit weird; these are the settings as you see them in the IDE?

              Have you checked your alert/hcimonitord logs to verify the alert was actually fired? And your SMAT to see if there really was a message at that time?

              Besides that, I have no idea what would cause this to happen.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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