Quotes in inbound HRL causing issue in tcl preproc

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Quotes in inbound HRL causing issue in tcl preproc

  • Creator
  • #54408
    Matthew Laskin

      I’m reading in an HRL that is listing portions of nursing documentation across lines.  Everything is working fine until documentation includes a quotation that gets broken across VRL lines.  The tcl preproc will not make it past the msgget $mh line.  It works for me fine if I write a tcl script to open a file and read in the txt contents.  An example of what is causing an issue:


      02|V01|M01|07/25/14 0958|CAT1|DEPT|9|”The quick brown fox runs over the fence,” She said.  “This line is probably okay but the next”|”Matt”
      02|V01|M01|07/25/14 0958|CAT1|DEPT|10|”line causes an issue”. The previous quotation is hanging”|”Matt”

      The quotation mark after “issue” is the culprit.  I tried something like


      set msg [string map {””” “”} [msgget $mh]]

      to just strip away all quotations, but that doesn’t work.  Any ideas?

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    • Author
      • #81345
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Matthew,

          Have a look at the definition of this specific field in your VRL. Probably the default Escape Pair (“”) is still set. Try removing the Escape pair for this field and see if this helps.

          On the other hand you should be able to remove all quotation marks. I have had a quick look and found that I use this


          regsub -all ” $w “” w

          or this:


          regsub -all {””} $msg “” msg

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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