Using Exceed with Cloverleaf 5.8.5 and AIX

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  • Creator
  • #54372
    Gina Borden

      My server is AIX, and I use a windows client.  I have always used Exceed to access the AIX server, however the version I have doesn’t support the newer Windows operating systems.  Before purchasing the newer version I thought I would ask what are other AIX sites are using?  Is there something better, or just as good that’s not as expensive?  Your thoughts?

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    • Author
      • #81207
        James Cobane

          Are you actually running X-windows using Exceed and run the GUI’s on the server, or are you simply using Exceed to access the server and run commands (via an X-term window)?  I haven’t had the need run to run X-windows/Exceed in years; anytime I am on the server is simply for command-line access.  We use puTTY.  Any GUI based interaction is done via the windows client.  Perhaps from a Sys Admin perspective you may need an X-windows tool to run some of the AIX tools?

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #81208
          Gina Borden

            I’m only using it to access AIX and run commands.  I will try the puTTY.  

            Thanks for your input!

          • #81209
            Robert Kersemakers

              Also have a look at MobaXterm. It includes an X-server, although we don’t use it. It takes a bit of getting used to (as do all changes when you are as autistic as I am), but it has some nice features.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #81210
              Bob Richardson


                AIX 6.1 TL9 shop.

                We are running CL IDE (clients) on Windows 7 Enterprise edition (64 bit) and the host engines on AIX and have Exceed Open Text Version 14 installed (64 bit).  Our desktop support maintains this version.  However, we do use the Putty software – but a word of warning:   it is officially BETA and unsupported.  No Help menus, no tutorials.  Freeware. We had to fiddle with the settings to get stuff to work.  Granted:  it does have one redeeming feature:  its connectivity management handling.   Also seems to resist disappearing when it is minimized versus Exceed.

                Boils down to money:  pay for supported software or go rogue and use unsupported freeware and be at the mercy of the community for help.

                Just my thoughts as an old fart from the last century who prefers supported software solutions.  And a vendor to bug with problems.

              • #81211
                David Barr

                  You should also consider Cygwin. That’s what I usually use. It has a terminal program called Mintty that’s similar to Putty. It includes the OpenSSH clients and server. It includes the Xorg X server which you can use if you need to run any GUI programs on your server.

                • #81212
                  bill whatley

                    Another vote for Putty and MobaXterm.

                    MobaXterm’s X client is super simple, and has the nice feature of prompting for X clients to connect, instead of having to remember xhost …   I’ve also used Cygwin (hard to maintain because of the installer), and Xceed (no ssh in our licensed copies).

                    We have security server, so an X client connection is needed to set the ACLs.

                  • #81213

                    Another vote for MobaXterm. It’s nearly flawless.

                    -- Max Drown (Infor)

                  • #81214
                    Peter Heggie

                      we just started using mobaXterm to execute the hciserveradmin GUI. Seems ok so far..!

                      Peter Heggie

                    • #81215
                      bill whatley

                        I like MobaXterm a lot.  

                        Cygwin type environment for bash, and X server too… that it includes Putty and Graphical FTP is a nice bonus.  I could only have one tool, it would be it.  But IMHO Putty is better for pure terminal (not as “batchy”) and WinSCP is better for graphical FTP.  If one of the mobaXterm tools hangs, the whole mobaXterm env can hang.

                      • #81216
                        Peter Heggie

                          We use PSPad for editing and minor development work, and especially for FTP editing. The price is right and never needed another tool. I use it every day. Have not been able to get it to work with SSH yet but we will need to when we disable telnet. Not sure mobaXterm has seamless integration with PSPad. I’ve heard that mobaXterm can somehow hook into other editors but not sure how thats done. I’m concerned about Bill’s concerns about it hanging.

                          Peter Heggie

                        • #81217
                          bill whatley

                            Peter- some of the hanging is self-inflicted – using the Cygwin dll and the ‘local’ bash shell on my workstation is iffy on Windows network drives with large directories.  No doubt a symptom of anti-malware software.  For putty and X it seems fine.  Might behave differently with a “local install” vs, the portable .exe version.  Haven’t tried that yet.

                            2nd vote for PSPad and a mention for Notepad++ with the compare plugin.  Handy to compare Xlates right from the text editor.  The MobaXterm editor has a built in text editor with text comparison tool, too.  One of my associates would vote for UltraEdit, but alas, it’s not free 🙁

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