Headers a CSV file

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  • Creator
  • #54102
    shikher arya1


      I want to make a CSV file with Headers using VRL in Cloverleaf.

      For Ex-

      FirstName, LastName, Age, City

      Allen, Volpe, 43, NewJersey

      I tried using tagged field by modifying the Global Properties of VRL but the output came like this:

      FirstNameAllen, LastNameVolpe, Age43, CityNewJersey

      Kindly suggest!!


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    • Author
      • #80169
        Robert Kersemakers

          Several ways to do this:

          * If your incoming message/file contains a header record as well, you can use that record to send your own header.

          * Maybe you can determine when the first actual record is being received/processed and send a header record before that first actual record.

          * If this csv file is processed at certain regular times, you can copy a file with only the header record as the receiving csv file. Then Cloverleaf will add all the actual records to this file.

          * First process all your actual records and put them in a csv file. Then at a certain time, another Cloverleaf process takes this file and adds a header to it. You can do this with a tcl-proc.

          It all depends on your input and your needs which option is best.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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