NETSTAT does not return ESTABLISHED even though it is …

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf NETSTAT does not return ESTABLISHED even though it is …

  • Creator
  • #54072
    Judy Johnson

      We have an intersite connection…..client / server

      We are seeing on only 1 where we do a netstat -an | grep xxxxx(port)

      and we get nothing… We know this port is established and is getting data.

      We have changed the port, hardcoded the port…and still nothing…

      All other connections are fine.

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    • Author
      • #80080
        James Cobane


          Just out of curiosity, what port# are you using?  You want to make sure to avoid the ephemeral range (32768-65535), and also don’t go above 65535.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #80081
          Judy Johnson

            The port we were using 20136….that would not netstat…then changed to even a lower number, no luck……now we are using 72127….no luck again.

            this is strange. our network people dont know either.

          • #80082
            Judy Johnson

              also, Jim…these are Intersite connections..only on our networkwork…

            • #80083
              James Cobane

                I believe anything above 65535 will get re-numbered; I think the OS circles back around; (i.e. 72127-65535 = 6592)….or something like that..

                Jim Cobane

                Henry Ford Health

              • #80084
                Judy Johnson

                  thanks Jim…i will look into that…..

                • #80085

                  Is it possible you have another client (locally or remotely) trying to connect to your server on that port?

                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

                • #80086
                  Judy Johnson

                    Max. I checked all the sites all the service files and even changed the port 3 times……no one else is using

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