The IDE using the “hci” user and “staff” group on Linux. Make sure that you have the permission correct on Cloverleaf’s file structure (ex. /cloverleaf).
Here are my notes on using Linux users and Cloverleaf.
How to Use Unix Users
The sudo and su command provides a comprehensive audit trail
Each successful authentication is logged to the file /var/log/messages
The command issued along with the issuer’s user name is logged to the file /var/log/secure
Add the ‘staff’ group to the ‘sudoers’ list
Add this line: %staff ALL=(ALL) ALL
Make all files under $HCIROOT readable, writable, and executable to hci and the staff group
chown -R hci:staff $HCIROOT
chmod -R 774 $HCIROOT
Add all cloverleaf users and hci to the