Lock manager terminated.
[0:TEST] oilSysSemOpen: semget failed
Sem Name = /hci/qdx5.7/integrator/bcn_emrtest15/NetConfig Key Generated : 704783539
[0:TEST] msiGlobalInit: Can’t open guard sem: No space left on device
msiGlobalInit: NetConfig = /hci/qdx5.7/integrator/bcn_emrtest15/NetConfig
Lockmgr is NOT running
hcimonitord is NOT running
Unable to initialize MSI, err = -1
I checked the disk space due to the “No space left on device” line and there is plenty of space on all partitions (none more than 30% used. I suspect I am just missing something, but at this point this is a mystery!
Help Brothers and Sisters!!
Craig Weldy
Senior Interface Analyst
Beacon Health System
South Bend, In, 46615