CSC issues with Cloverleaf interface engine.

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Secure Courier Cloverleaf Secure Courier CSC issues with Cloverleaf interface engine.

  • Creator
  • #53768
    Cynthia Briscoe

      Our company recently purchased Relay Health which utilizes Cloverleaf Secure Courier instead of a VPN connection to our Cloverleaf interface engine.  We have a major issue in that when we send data and it pass through the CSC to the Relay health server, It sends back an acknowledgement message to the CSC  and that is all that happens. When the data is routed to the CSC it does not send an ACK Message back to the cloverleaf engine.  This is creating major issues.  I turned off the option on the engine to await replies and finally took the saveob_message proc off so that data would flow and not create a huge error log.  This allow data to flow but then we have no idea if this successfully posted in the CSC. When I took the proc to save ob msg off the vendor indicated that they no longer got the messages.  I think there was something else going on at the time but in the interim the proc has been put back on this thread creating huge error logs again. 😥

      Does the CSC have the capability of sending an acknowledgement message.  The vendor seems unable to help us this our predicament.

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    • Author
      • #78873
        Arslan Khan

          Hi Cynthia,

          CSC does sends ACK back to the sending system, in this case to your CL interface engine.

          Have you enabled ack/nack proc on your sending thread?

          Once you enable ac/nack proc, you can use “await replies” with a time out value of, say, 120 seconds.

          Let me know if you need any more info.


        • #78874
          Cynthia Briscoe

            I am not sure what you mean by an ack nak proc on the cloverleaf interface engine.  I have a proc to create and Ack Nak for sending an ack back to an inbound feed but I know of no proc that will create an ack for somthing I am sending outbound.  Or are you referring to a proc that is on the Cloverleaf secure courier application having a proc to send an ACK?  If there is please enlighten us as to where we would find this as the vendor has no clue how to send acks from the CSC back to our engine.  I had to turn off the await replies on the thread routing messages to CSC because we never get replies.  That is the whole issue.

          • #78875
            Arslan Khan

              In this case, you are basically not not sending any ACK/NACK back to CSC client.

              I’ll ask the RH implementation specialist to contact you and provide you relevant details.


            • #78876
              Arslan Khan

                In this case, you are basically not not sending any ACK/NACK back to CSC client.

                I’ll ask the RH implementation specialist to contact you and provide you relevant details.


              • #78877
                Arslan Khan

                  In this case, you are basically not not sending any ACK/NACK back to CSC client.

                  I’ll ask the RH implementation specialist to contact you and provide you relevant details.


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