Directory navigation ? FTP/Curl – AIX issue?

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  • Creator
  • #53745
    Tom Patton

      Beating my head on this one and hope to get some words of wisdom.

      Have an IIS virtual directory and a WSFTP “impersonation” defined to get me into a folder, but I need to drill into sub folders to pick up a file.  I’m trying to do that in one Curl command, but it fails.  I’m now trying to simply get the FTP to work from the AIX command line and it can’t traverse the directories, but it won’t.

      Here’s what happens:

      This doesn’t work in one command:

      ftp> recv /MedhostPDFTest/2013/7/12/00001_2013_07_16_000000012_006_000_000.pdf

      /MedhostPDFTest/2013/7/12/00001_2013_07_16_000000012_006_000_000.pdf: A file or

      directory in the path name does not exist.

      But if I switch to the subdirectory this will work:

      ftp> cd /MedhostPDFTest/2013/7/12/

      250 CWD command successful.

      ftp> recv 00001_2013_07_16_000000012_006_000_000.pdf

      200 PORT command successful.

      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 00001_2013_07_16_000000012_006_000_00

      0.pdf(59272 bytes).

      226 Transfer complete.

      The odd thing is that the first full request works under windows, but not under AIX….

      I’ve embedded a curl request in a TCP/IP thread script to try to get this file, so I’m hoping to do this in one statement and not have to navigate teh directory structure:

      curl::transfer -url ftp://${ip}/MedhostPDFTest/${dir1}/${dir2}/${dir3}/${file} -userpwd ${user}:${pwd} -file ${outfile}

      Why doesn’t AIX work like windows in drilling down the directory path?

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    • Author
      • #78815
        Russ Ross

          When you manually login via AIX do a “pwd” and a directory listing to make sure your assumptions about directories are correct when using FTP

          It is not unusual for a given directory to be mapped to something else when coming in via FTP than it actually is on the physical box.

          That could explain why the cd then FTP/get works and the FTP/get using the full path does not work.

          For example, if when you FTP via AIX you are already placed in the desired directory which has been remapped to say / then your cd fails but the FTP get will work, while the get using the full path will never work if this is the case.

          Russ Ross

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