Newest hcismat

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  • Creator
  • #53632
    Tim Lipovsky

      Anybody have the newest version of hcismat? We’re upgrading to Cloverleaf 6.0 and need the new hcismat that works with 6.0.

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    • Author
      • #78357
        Charlie Bursell

          If you are speaking of the command line version, I had to re-write it

          The old version with no args would try to bring up a TK GUI and did not support the new SMAT format

          I added one more option -n for new line

          If on Unix remove the .htc suffix and make sure it is executable.  Put this one in $HCIROOT/contrib.  Go to $HCIROOT/bin and rename the one there to somithing like hcismat.old

          Run with no options to see help

        • #78358
          Tim Lipovsky

            Thanks Charlie! Much appreciated!!

          • #78359
            Russ Ross

              Since we call hcismat from our ascii_smat_to_nl.ksh and our ebcdic_smat_to_nl.ksh scripts this is nice to know.

              I chose to use hcismat as my API to parse SMAT files as opposed to writing a proprietary parser, many of which I’ve seen are specific to HL7 messages only.

              When I looked in Cloverleaf 6.0 $HCIROOT/bin directory there is no hcismat anymore.

              I downloaded Charlie’s into that directory and made a note to test it once we get that far.

              I mostly have used it to convert SMAT files to len10 then new-line, so Charlie’s new-line arg might save an extra step.

              Russ Ross

            • #78360
              Russ Ross

                Charlie has posted a corrected version of hcismat for Cloverleaf 6.0 at this URL, which I down loaded today:

                <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>;

                Thanks to Steve Fraser and Jim Kosloskey for reporting to the rest of us their observation so the rest of us can benifit without relearning the hard way.

                I’m curious if hcismat was intended to be released with Cloverleaf 6.0 but did not get included for whatever reason.

                Obviously I would vote to keep hcismat as part of any future Cloverleaf releases.

                Even though we can write home grown SMAT parse utilities, and there are several floating around, my first choice is to use the one provided by Infor if available.

                Jim will be doing a follow up post at the URL above once he and Steve Fraser feel comfortable with a bit more testing than my inital simple test that now seems to be working.

                Russ Ross

              • #78361
                Charlie Bursell

                  I think the command version of hcismat was left off because with no arguments it tried to run a Tk version of SMAT.  It also did not work with newer SMAT files,

                  So I decided to rewrite it myself an also add the new-line option.  Once I get all the kinks out I will get R&D to add it.  People like Jim and others running it will help a lot

                • #78362
                  Russ Ross

                    Thanks for the new-line option because that is what I output almost exclusively, but in cloverleaf 5.6 that required and extra step to convert len10 to new-line.

                    Russ Ross

                  • #78363
                    Charlie Bursell

                      I just modified it one more time.  It should now work with both the old and new SMAT files whether in Tcl 8.4 or Tcl 8.5.

                      I would appreciate any testing you do.  If it looks good we will release with Cloverleaf

                    • #78364
                      Russ Ross

                        Thanks Charlie, I will download the most recent hcismat you just posted and inform those (Steve Fraser and Jim Kosloskey) who have been evaluating hcismat today.

                        Russ Ross

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