Building alert on 5.8 issue

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  • Creator
  • #53437
    Marsha Parks

      We are using 5.8.4 and building an alert from when a process is down.  In general this works fine when we email but have noticed if we send it to a pager, using email, when we get the message on the pager, the Subject line is garbled but the rest of the message is readable.

      Has anyone else seen this issue and if so, how do we fix it?

      Marsha Parks

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    • Author
      • #77706
        Bob Richardson


          In debugging an email type alert on 5.8.5, I had noticed that for Outlook email the Subject line (TO) winds up as missing.  In examining the alerts.log file I noticed that the Cloverleaf supplied module (Tcl) that is used to do the email is called hcialert2email (resides in $HCIROOT/bin).

          Checked this program as a matter of curiosity and found a bug in it for the TO line:  bogus variable (most likely a fat finger typo).  Corrected the variable name (Cmd –> cmd) and now the value in the TO line appears.

          Look for line: lappend Cmd -header

            Reported and acknowledged as a bug for 5.8 by R & D (created an INFOR incident).  The code is different for 5.7 so the problem is not there.

            Try:  back up the existing version and edit/save the above line.  Retest.

            Good luck!

        • #77707
          Peter Heggie

            wow! thank you – works perfectly now.

            Peter Heggie

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