tcl script to ftp from Cloverleaf to a ftp library

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  • Creator
  • #53321
    Mary Bodoh-Stone


       I am wondering if anyone could help with something I am trying to do.  From Cloverleaf I want to ftp to an IBM system and grab a flat file that looks like this:



      These are IDX charges that I am going to run through an xlate and create a tab delimited file to post to our HPP clinic system.

      I have the fileset-ftp protocol setup on the thread but I what I really need help with is the tcl script.   The file resides in a FTP library.   I just want to “get” this one file.  

      Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

      – Mary

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    • Author
      • #77275
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Mary,

          You don’t need a tcl-script to get the file from the IBM server. Just use the Fileset-ftp protocol.

          In tab Fileset Options, insert your Inbound Directory and Style; I think you will need ‘nl’ as style. Under Scheduling, put in values on how often you want to scan for a file and how many lines you want to read once a file has been found.

          In tab FTP Options, you can specify login information, and host (ip-adress) information. You normally don’t need to change anything in the block FTP Options, but if you only need specified file(s) from the directory, you can do this in Dir List Command: use ‘nlst *.txt’ to pick up all *.txt files.

          Hope this helps.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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