We have dual roots running on AIX 6.1 TL7: CIS5.7.2 and CIS5.8.5.
We have observed that error message in the process logs. Those “ecd”
files relate to the SMAT gui. The exact internal reason why the engine
complains eludes us. However, with the SMAT when you use it and set your options they are saved in an “ecd” file.
For 5.8.5 they may be of importance for using the SMAT indexing search tool in the Global Monitor 5.0 – which we have implemented for some of our sites (recall we are running dual roots). Just a guess here.
We have a cron (batch) job that just cleans these up as the SMAT tool scatters them all over the place – your directory currency determines where it stashes these “ecd” files.
Bottom Line: a nuisance error message of (as far as we know) of no significance.