error attempting to call java

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf error attempting to call java

  • Creator
  • #53042
    John Boyles


      I’m a newbie when it comes to calling java from a Cloverleaf (v5.8.5 on AIX 6.1) thread. The error below is thrown by the cljTPS proc consistently, regardless of what java proc is specified and has become kind of a show stopper. Does anyone know of a fix?

      Appreciative of any help.

      [xlt :xlat:ERR /0: UNNAMED_TID:04/03/2012 11:06:57] Tcl error:     msgId    = message0     proc    = ‘cljTPS’     args    = ‘{CLASS test} ‘     result    = ‘invalid command name “::cleanups::clarequest”‘     errorInfo: ‘ invalid command name “::cleanups::clarequest” while executing “::cleanups::clarequest cljava destroy ::cljava::destroyAll” (procedure “Cljava_init” line 66) invoked from within “Cljava_init [file join $env(HCIROOT) bin]” (procedure “init_Cljava” line 4) invoked from within “init_Cljava” (procedure “cljTPS” line 4) invoked from within “cljTPS {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_raw} {ARGS {{CLASS test} }} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘

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    • Author
      • #76351
        Mitchell Rawlins

          The code for cljTPS is in cloverleafJava.tcl (and eventually calls cla.tcl) in $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/tfc.  It looks like your Tcl interpreter can’t find the clarequest procedure in cla.tcl.  That makes me wonder if cla.tcl is missing, or modified, or if a tclIndex has been modified such that the running process doesn’t know where to find this piece of code.

          You should probably have a line in $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/tfc/tclIndex that says:

          set auto_index(::cleanup::clarequest)


            Hopefully that’s helpful; I’m much more at home with Java than Tcl.  Good Luck!

          1. #76352
            John Boyles

              I agree that does appear to be what the error is saying.

              The clarequest proc does exist in the directory. I tried rebuilding the tclindex but still get the same thing. It’s truly weird – After looking at both procs, I can see no obvious reason why one can’t call the other.

              I did another little test and discovered something very interesting: currently, we have a box running CL 5.8.5 and one running 5.8.1. It’s broken on the 5.8.5 box but works fine on 5.8.1.

            • #76353
              Mitchell Rawlins

                I’m curious if there is a difference between the tclIndex files on the two boxes.  If so, I think you copy the one from the working box to the not working.  It’s probably a long shot, but I would check it out.

                We haven’t run into that issue on our 5.7.2 or our 5.8.4 boxes, but we’re not on 5.8.5 yet.  If it’s a version-dependent issue it’s probably worth checking which files were changed in rev5; that may give you some idea on where else to look.

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