Client time is on GMT instead of CST

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Client time is on GMT instead of CST

  • Creator
  • #52905
    Gena Gill

      I have a Windows 7 workstation running the client for Cloverleaf 5.6 and the timestamp is on GMT instead of CST.  I read some other issues that mentioned Java as the culprit, but Java is on version 1.6.0_30-b12 and there are no other updates.

      The time on the workstation is set to CST and autoupdate for daylight savings and is on the correct time and zone.

      Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this client to show CST?

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    • Author
      • #75851
        Jeff Dinsmore

          I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s not a critical thing, but it’s annoying.

          It appears that the SMAT viewer in Cloverleaf dynamically adjusts the time based on time zone. If I change time zone from EST to CST, the time of a given message changes by an hour.

          So… my assumption is that my client, running in Vista SP2 compatibility mode on Win7, is not correctly reading the locale/time zone from Windows and is, therefore, defaulting to GMT.

          Does anyone out there know if we can somehow manipulate/force time zone in the Cloverleaf client?

          Jeff Dinsmore
          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

        • #75852
          Chris Williams

            Is the time zone on the server set correctly? We had a similar problem with a unix server where its time zone info set by the vendor contained a typo.

          • #75853
            Jeff Dinsmore

              The server time is fine – and XP clients display time correctly. It’s only on Win7

              Jeff Dinsmore
              Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

            • #75854
              Jeff Dinsmore

                The server time is fine – and XP clients display time correctly. It’s only on Win7

                Jeff Dinsmore
                Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

              • #75855
                Gena Gill

                  The server time is correct, and the client running on my XP laptop shows the correct time.  It’s only on the Win 7 workstation that the time defaults to GMT.

                  It’s so annoying that when I need to look at the SMAT files by time, or verify when the last message has gone through on a thread, that I go back to my laptop.

                • #75856
                  Gena Gill

                    SOLVED, sort of…

                    I’m on version 5.6 which is not supported on Windows 7.

                  • #75857
                    Jeff Dinsmore

                      Heck, I thought it was a big win to get 5.6 IDE to run on Wndows 7!

                      I’m living happily with the GMT quirk and doing the math in my head…

                      Jeff Dinsmore
                      Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                    • #75858
                      Russ Ross

                        Being able to have Cloverleaf 5.6rev2 work enough on Win 7 to get us by until we get to Cloverleaf 5.8 would be a big win for us, too.

                        I would be interested to know how you got the Cloverlead 5.6 IDE to install and work on Win 7 because we tried and failed.

                        I was able to install and launch Cloverleaf 5.6rev2 on Win 7 but it acted randomly and didn’t really work much at all.

                        If you can tell me were I went wrong, here were my steps that I tried:


                        1. copied the 5.6 client CD to the local hard drive
                        2. right clicked setup.exe and changed the compatibility mode to XP SP3
                        3. right clicked setup.exe and ran as administrator, installation ran normally with no errors
                        4. manually copied the Rev 2 files to the local locations

                        I got these steps from this post

                        <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

                        which stated that it worked for Cloverleaf 5.7rev1.

                        Until today I had not seen any hope that Cloverleaf 5.6 might work enough to use on Win 7.

                        If anyone that has Cloverleaf 5.6 somewhat useable on Win 7 can recall the steps you did to get as far as you have and can share them with us, I would like to try and see if I can duplicate your marginal success.

                        I could certainly live with bogus SMAT times to bridge the gap and move forward with getting off Windox XP and onto Win 7.

                        Russ Ross

                      • #75859
                        Jeff Dinsmore

                          I installed it normally and it behaved unacceptably.

                          I tried running it in XP compatibility mode with the same effect.

                          The breakthrough came when I read that 5.6 works with VISTA. I set it to run in Vista SP2 compatibility mode and it works great – with the exception of the GMT datestamp in SMAT.

                          Jeff Dinsmore
                          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                        • #75860
                          Gena Gill

                            I installed it without issue.  The only caveat is that when you run the installation, you have to run it as Administrator.  Just right click Setup, then select “Run as Administrator”.

                            After that, I had no problems.

                          • #75861
                            Russ Ross

                              THANK YOU SO MUCH!

                              I now have Cloverleaf 5.6rev2 installed on Win 7 and seems to run okay so far.

                              Here are the steps I used:


                              1. copied the 5.6 client CD to the local hard drive
                              2. right clicked setup.exe and changed the compatibility mode to Vista SP2 and the privilege mode to run as an administrator.
                              3. right clicked setup.exe and ran as administrator, installation ran normally with no errors
                              4. manually copied the Rev 2 files to the local locations
                              5. set properties on IDE to compatibility mode Vista SP2.

                              I had success on both a VMware Win7 workstation and a standalone dedicated Win 7 desktop.

                              I plan to convert my desktop to Win 7 and run for a while and if that holds up good enough then then I will do the same for the rest of our integration team.

                              This will allow us to come in compliance with our enterprise effort to get everyon on Win 7 for their desktop PC.

                              Russ Ross

                            • #75862
                              Jeff Dinsmore

                                I assume you’re seeing GMT in SMAT?

                                Jeff Dinsmore
                                Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                              • #75863
                                Russ Ross

                                  Yes, I’m seeing GMT in SMAT but count me as one of those that are willing to make that trade off to get on Win 7.

                                  Russ Ross

                                • #75864
                                  Michael Heldt

                                    We are using 5.4.1 and since my math is ?able

                                    In the 5.4.1 GUI…Options->Client Options->Advanced tab…enter -Duser.timezone=

                                    Example i’m in Central Standard Time:


                                    You need to enter the hyphen first on the parameter.

                                    Thank teammate of mine …..Jason L for the fyi

                                  • #75865
                                    Michael Heldt

                                      sorry…enter it in the JVM Arguments field

                                      Options->Client Options->Advanced tab->JVM Arguments

                                    • #75866
                                      Russ Ross


                                        I set mine to the following and that did the trick


                                        Russ Ross

                                      • #75867
                                        Jeff Dinsmore

                                          I just found this post.

                                          Setting this flag to my time zone works great!

                                          Thanks for the solution Michael!

                                          Jeff Dinsmore
                                          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

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