This is what I go through to connect…
incase you are calling the tcl from a xlate that is included otherwise just remove it.
I use the DNS on the cloverleaf server and I call a stored procedure:
set debug 1
package require odbc
upvar xlateId xlateId
xlateInList xlateInList
xlateInTypes xlateInTypes
xlateInVals xlateInVals
xlateOutList xlateOutList
xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes
xlateOutVals xlateOutVals
set usr “test”
set pass “password”
set dsn “Cloverleaf”
set stored_procedure “sp_What_ever_you_want_to_call_it”
set table “KDDH_PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef”
echo [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV SQL_NULL_HANDLE henv]
# Set the most current ODBC version (3.0)
echo [odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0]
# Allocate connection handle
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc]
if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: SQLAllocHandle err: $err”}
# Make a connection
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: SQLConnect err: $err”}
#If connection failed… will attempt to connect 3 times (5sec sleep between each retry)
set retries 3
set sleep_int 5
while {$retries && [cequal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
sleep $sleep_int
# Make a connection
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
incr retries -1
catch {odbc SQLFreeStmt $hstmt SQL_DROP}
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]
#if {$err ne “SQL_SUCCESS”} {return “”}
if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: SQLAllocHandle err: $err”}
# Prepare & Execute – SQL statement
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $stored_procedure SQL_NTS]
set result {}
set id “”
set prm_msgid “”
set pcis_orderno “”
set insertdatetime “”
set noorderno_emailflag “”
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_NUMBERIC id 255 255]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 2 SQL_C_VARCHAR prm_msgid 255 255]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 3 SQL_C_VARCHAR pcis_orderno 255 255]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 4 SQL_C_VARCHAR noorderno_emailflag 255 255]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 5 SQL_C_TIMESTAMP insertdatetime 255 255]
set i 0
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
This is how i disconnect…
catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV $henv}
Hope this helps…