Remove multiple strings

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  • Creator
  • #52787
    Tim Hallbauer

      Hi All.

      I have a situation where I need to remove all occurrences of a string from a message. The string is CD:  followed by various numbers. The string length isn’t always the same and can appear anywhere in the transaction. It may be preceeded or followed by a field separator, repetition separator etc. So it can be CD:1234  or CD:1459302. I have looked using the search function and tried several things, but the best I have done so far is remove the CD: but the following numbers still appear.


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    • Author
      • #75475
        Keith McLeod

          Have you tried using regular expressions?

          regsub -all — {CD:d+} $msg {} new_msg

          something like this should match CD: and replace with blank or null.

        • #75476
          Tim Hallbauer


            Thanks. I was just going to post that I had resolved the issue using something from a post I found. It is very similar to what you suggested.

            regsub -all {CD:d*} $msgdata “” newMsg


          • #75477
            Keith McLeod

              The * represents 0 or more numbers following CD:.  whereas the + is 1 or more, just in case that makes a difference.

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