when MRN has space PID-3

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  • Creator
  • #52597
    Ran Yan

    We are using temp HL7 order generated by DICOM images. Some orders have MRN with space in it. When cloverleaf receives this kind of HL7 message, error occurs.  


    can’t unset “Hl7FieldsLoaded(2)”: no such element in array

       while executing

    “unset Hl7FieldsLoaded($iokey) “

    I tried to add a script in XLT to send an alert out, but it doesnt work because seems Cloverleaf generates this error before going through translation. Do you guys have any idea how I could handle this issue? Thank you.


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  • Author
    • #74802
      David Barr

      This looks like a problem with a TCL proc that is specific to your site. It might need to be modified to handle spaces.

    • #74803
      Ran Yan

      which one do you think I need to change? I just checked the NetCongig, I use mlp_tcp.pdl in the PDL options and tps_create_hl7_ack in my TPS Inbound Data, then I dont see any tcl I use before Cloverleaf translates HL7 message. Should I modify the tps_create_hl7_ack? Thanks

      David Barr wrote:

      This looks like a problem with a TCL proc that is specific to your site. It might need to be modified to handle spaces.

    • #74804
      Charlie Bursell

      What version of Cloverleaf?  That code is in the library file hl7msg.tlib located in $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/cloverleaf

      In 5.8 that staement is within a catch statement.  Maybe this is a change from older versions?

      Go to the above file and cahnge the statement to

      catch { unset Hl7FieldsLoaded($iokey) }

      or simply

      unset -nocomplain Hl7FieldsLoaded($iokey)

    • #74805
      Ran Yan

      but then the MRN will have {} because tcl treats it as string.

      Charlie Bursell wrote:

      What version of Cloverleaf?

    • #74806
      Charlie Bursell

      You never did say what version of Cloverleaf?

      If this does not help you then you need more help tahn can be provided in this formum.  Someone needs to look more specifically at the data, configurations, etc.

      If you feel this is a bug, report it to Support.  They, in turn, can go to R&D and perhaps get you a work-around for now

    • #74807
      Ran Yan

      we use 5.7

      I think the problem is: when there is a space in MRN, TCL use {} to keep it as whole string, so cloverleaf can not recognize it. And if I add “nocomplain” in the code, it shows

      QDX_Tcl_SplitList({HE) failed: unmatched open brace in list

      I will talk with Cloverleaf support about this issue. THanks for you help

      Charlie Bursell wrote:

      You never did say what version of Cloverleaf?

      If this does not help you then you need more help tahn can be provided in this formum.

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