The general approach is to compare Cloverleaf generated thread statistics on current the Prod host with thread stats on the new host after processing an identical message load over the same time interval.
I have a script that zeroes out the thread stats in all of the Prod sites and another that gathers thread stats at various intervals.
There’s also a tcl script that runs on a separate host that replays SMAT messages from between user supplied start and end times and observes the inter-message time intervals for sending. Lastly, there’s an “ack farm” on another host that receives all the CL outbound messages and generates an HL7 ack. Outbound threads in the NetConfigs are modified to send to the ack farm.
I am a bit confused by some of Cloverleaf’s latency measurements.
Here are a few examples from a two hour prod sample:
Are any of these Latency measurements useful for comparative performance purposes?
IB Latency : 0.000
OB Latency : 13.497
Total Latency : 16.625
IB Latency : 0.000
OB Latency : 0.023
Total Latency : 17.293
IB Latency : 10.895
OB Latency : 1.199
Total Latency : 1.201
Are Time on Queue (T on Q) or Xlate time (X time) good measurements for comparing performance?
Inter-thread Statistics
Sent Recvd pxqd X time T on Q Latency Thread name
620 0 0 5.307 0.000 0.000 AZ_RadOrd_RIMS
0 620 0 0.000 0.568 1.201 AZ_Mill_RadOrd
TIA for any comments or suggestions.