Which Variant is my Translation REALLY Using?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Which Variant is my Translation REALLY Using?

  • Creator
  • #52089
    Garrett Fletcher


      First of all we are on Cloverleaf 5.3.

      I have a translation that uses a HL7 2.2 variant and a ADT_A01 message type. We are using this translation in a static route. When I send that translation a ADT_A09 message, it looks like it is not using the ADT_01, or the ADT_A09, but a combo of both.

      For example. I have a translation that is set up to use the A01 message type in the variant.  I have the A01 Variant set up with a IN1 segment, but the A09 Variant not set up with the IN1 segment. When I send a A09 message through the testing tool will say ‘segment IN1 not defined’. The same thing happens witn I do the oppisite (IN1 defined in A09, but not in A01). It appears I have to have the IN1 segment defined in both A01, and A09, message types in order for the A09 message to work properly. Is that how it is supposed to work?



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    • Author
      • #73011
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Garrett,

          If your A09 message that you are testing with contains IN1 segments (and it looks like it does), then the ADT_A09 message in your variant should also have the IN1 segments defined.

          Your message definition in the variant should define how an (incoming/outgoing) message looks like, instead of defining which segments/fields you would like to process. You accomplish the latter with your translation.

          If you have the IN1 defined in your ADT_A09 but not in ADT_A01 and you test a A09 message, then the HL7 testing tool shouldn’t complain about the IN1 segments.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #73012
          Garrett Fletcher

            Thank you for the reply.

            So when you are setting up the new HL7 translation and it asks for a ‘message type’ it is not actually using that message type as the basis for the translations?


          • #73013
            Robert Kersemakers

              Uhm… I was talking about the results of the HL7 Testing Tool, not the Xlate Testing Tool.

              If I understand correctly (and I am doubting myself right now) then the Xlate will verify the message (both inbound and outbound) against the (inbound/outbound) variant that is used.

              Maybe the problem lies in changing the message type within the translation? For most of my ADT Xlates I use a generic ADT variant, that has all the segments (mostly optional) for all the ADT-messages that I need.

              Can you tell what your inbound and outbound variants are?

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #73014
              Garrett Fletcher

                Right that is how I think it is supposed to work. I am using a generic variant in a static route. The variant is HL7 2.2 and the message type is ADT_A01. This message type is defiened with the IN1 segment. When I create my translation I use ADT_A01 as the message type. But when I test a ADT_A09 message with my translation I get a error saying ‘IN1 not defined’.

                I think I have a bug. Has anyone else experienced this?


              • #73015
                Bob Richardson

                  Just a thought here:  Is the IN1 segment optional or required?

                  The xpm translator program will expect the IN1 if it is set up as a required segment and give you an error for ACTIONs like Bulkcopy.

                  Try setting it as optional.

                  Good luck!

                • #73016
                  Garrett Fletcher

                    For the ADT_A01, I have it I have the section that the IN1 segment is in dedined as optional. (I am also getting ‘IN2 not defiend’) It looks like this:








                    For ADT_A09, it is not defined.


                  • #73017
                    Vince Angulo

                      Maybe a dumb question, but in the translation configuration, do you have the A01 as both the input and output message format type?

                    • #73018
                      Garrett Fletcher

                        No its not a dumb question. I have been known to overlook the obvious. But, in this case The same variant, and message type are being used for the input and output of the translation.

                        Also, I have resorted to defining the IN1 and IN2 segments in ADT_A09 as a work around. But I still think there is a problem, and I would still like to know what is going on if anyone has any ideas.

                        Thanks All.

                      • #73019
                        Bob Richardson

                          In your input variant definition, is the IN1 required and present in your test message?

                          Are you doing a BULKCOPY with the IN1 not defined in the output template?

                          It would error as it does not exist in the output template.

                          Hope this helps you out.

                        • #73020
                          Tom Rioux


                            Try setting up your IN1 grouping like this:








                            It seems like it shouldn’t make a difference, but I have found that if it is an optional/repeating segment, then I have to list the optional first.   I sounds crazy but I built an some xlates for a new HIS system interface.  I didn’t notice it and had the grouping set up like yours.  It took me forever to find out why I was getting the issue.  Finally, I went back to basics and just re-ordered the whole optional/repeating deal.   The xlate finally started working properly after I did that.   I didn’t question it.   You may want to try this simple fix and see if it works for you.


                            Tom Rioux

                          • #73021
                            Garrett Fletcher

                              Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try.


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