I’m now on Solaris 10 with Cloverleaf 5.6 Rev2. I’ve port over the same TCL scripts which are running fine on Windows 2003 sp1 with Cloverleaf 5.3. This TCL basically calls a store procedure in Microsoft SQL 2005 to fetch a field back. The process would run for a day and then hang.
pstack shows after executing 7aeba950 SQLExecDirect (12529348, 1251d698, fffffffd, 7b14e79d, 400, 630) + 104 then it stuck there waiting for completion.
After viewing this forum, some suggested SQLExecute would be less of a performance issue, and I tried this but the process still hangs. The CPU usage for this process would goes 12% when this happens.
I sincerely hope that someone would have a solution for this as I’m going nowhere with this problem. Thank you for your time.
Here is my TCL;
###Import ODBC3.DLL Package at quovadxqdx5.2integratorbin
package require odbc
odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc
###System DSN config: DSN Name,UID,Pwd
set gUID “xxxx”
set password “xxxx”
set server “SQL Server Wire Protocol”
set Response [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $server SQL_NTS $gUID SQL_NTS $password SQL_NTS]
echo “RESPONSE: $Response”
#Check final connection status
if {[cequal $Response “SQL_ERROR”] } {
set succInd “FAIL”
} else {
set succInd “SUCCESS”
if { [cequal $succInd “FAIL”] } {
return “{OVER $msgId}”
} else {
set sqlStmt “”
## allocate a handle for the SQL statement
set errno [catch {odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt} result]
echo $result
# prepare an fetch statement with 1 parameter markers
set sqlStmt “exec dbo.sp_getcheckdigit $CaseNo”
odbc SQLPrepare $hstmt $sqlStmt SQL_NTS
###set for single statement for execution
set errno [catch {odbc SQLSetStmtAttr $hstmt SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE 1 0} result]
echo “stntAttr: $result”
## execute the query
#set errno [catch { odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $sqlStmt SQL_NTS } result]
set errno [catch { odbc SQLExecute $hstmt } result]
set errno [odbc SQLExecute $hstmt]
#echo “SQLExecute: $result $errno”
## bind the data
set errno [catch { odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_CHAR CheckDigit 2 CheckDigitLength } result]
echo “Binding Column ” $result
## fetch the data
set errno [catch { odbc SQLFetch $hstmt } result]
if {![cequal $result “SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND”] } {
echo $CaseNo
set DBcheckdigit $CheckDigit
##Free resources
odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt
odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc
odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc
odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV $henv