5.3 to 5.7 Rev 2 upgrade on new server (linux)

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf 5.3 to 5.7 Rev 2 upgrade on new server (linux)

  • Creator
  • #51983
    Michael Bowman

      Going to upgrade next week. We are basically copying over all our custom directories out of 5.3 to the 5.7 directory structure, stopping the processes on 5.3, running a cycle/save, modifying the netconfig on 5.7 to reflect 5.7 rather than 5.3 and changing the IP on the 5.7 server to that of the old 5.3 and bringing everything up. Any warnings or gotchas we need to be on the lookout for? I noticed in one post Nate said the following:


      On the outbound threads, Healthvision recommended that we change the following due to some message handles were no longer present and would not work in our current Tcl procs:

      i.  Send OK Procs

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    • Author
      • #72587
        Jim Kosloskey


          That is a pretty big leap.

          I would check with support to see if you need to ‘walk through’ any intervening releases to set configuration files to some intermediate level.

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

        • #72588
          Robert Kersemakers

            We are in the process of testing 5.7rev2 and are coming from 5.5.

            When copying a site from 5.5 to 5.7:

            * we were told to open and then save again every single HL7-variant, because 5.7 adds something to the file.

            * run ‘mktclindex’ in …/tclprocs to index all procs.

            * there seems to be an issue with ‘fileset-local’, so I think you need to remove all the ‘fileset-‘ files in all the process-directories.

            * be aware of symbolic links/shortcuts that point to your old cloverleaf installation. You will need to change these.

            We are still testing all the interfaces, but so far so good. I hope you have tested the migration that you described.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #72589
            Michael Bowman

              FYI – Thanks for the tips. The upgrade was flawless. We actually did the change over in less than 10 minutes. Thanks again.

            • #72590
              Russ Ross

                The techniue I used on my most recent upgrade was to go from a Cloverleaf 5.2 server (AIX 5.2) to a Cloverleaf 5.6 server (AIX 5.3), which went as well as I could imagine, considering the magnitude of the upgrade (hundreds of sites and over a thousand interfaces).

                Here is a high level description of my steps:

                – wipe server LPAR clean and do scratch install of everything (OS, HACMP, SNA, Cloverleaf 5.6, make advancements like ether channel)

                – do vulnerability scans and comply with any security department findings

                – do scratch install of Cloverlead 5.6 and create mda_upgrade site as default site

                – NFS mount READ ONLY /sites filesystem from the Cloverleaf 5.2 server onto the Cloverleaf 5.6 server and make it look like it is where Cloverleaf expects the old sites to be via a symbolic link

                – use hcirootcopy on the Cloverleaf 5.6 server to upgrade each old 5.2 site and activate them granually to control the size of my potentail problems

                – use our downtime model to turn on and test all the modules in the site I upgrade

                – make the site ready for golive with alomost 100% confidence and know I can back out quickly with 100% confidence; so I’m not faced with a no point of return situation

                – when ready to golive and switch over stop Cloverleaf 5.2 inbound interfaces let outbound interfaces empty out then shutdwon 5.2 site and turn on interfaces on new Cloverleaf 5.6 server

                The average downtime of each site golive switch over from Cloverleaf 5.2 server to Cloverleaf 5.6 server ran about 2 mintues most of the time and out of some 1,200 interfaces I was able to do the entire upgrade without virtually a single significant issue that wasn’t detected and remediated during the mock golive testing using our downtime model.

                Russ Ross

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