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parses a csv file to allow different xlt’s based on a value in a specific field?
I’m getting better at the HL/7 procs, but this is a new animal for us.
Mike C.
I’m not sure I understand the problem. You seem to mixing apples and oranges.
Is the message coming in an HL7 and you wish to use the CSV file as a lookup table to determine how to route the message?
If so, you will probably need a TRXID proc that will make use of dynamic tables (Since this is a CSV file I assume it is dynamic)
Take a look at the CSV package provided under $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/tcllib1.xx
A plug:
You can attend the UG in Sept. I will discussing this particular issue
I’ve already mentioned the UG to the management. Hopefully someone from here will get to go.
Actually, this will be a csv file to a vrl type of xlate. Not the usual HL/7. Think I have the parsing figured out now. Found the correct lindex and split combination. Thanks, and hopefully I’ll get down to the UG.
I’ll check out the example you listed as well.
Thanks Charlie.
Hi Mike, Charlie knows more than me so he will probably solve your problem. But I did want to send you a preprocessing proc we used years ago to determine how to route an order to either Lab or Radiology. The incoming layout was FRL from an old clinical orders system, CCS. This may be an antiquated way of doing this but you might get it to work:
# Name: CCS_orders_OMFALOIE_routing
# Purpose: This procedure parses the incoming CCS OMFALOIE
# (which is the order modification/additional criteria)
# It examines the ordering_dept field to determine
# whether the order is meant for FlexiRad or FlexiLab.
# Once this has been done it chooses the appropriate
# translation and destination thread.
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
########### CHANGE HISTORY ############################################
# Date Task Pgmr Description
# 01/11/01 4471 CEK Modified code to process RESP orderes
proc CCS_orders_OMFALOIE_routing { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
set DatList [datlist]
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set GRMin [grmcreate -msg $mh frl CCS.order.OMFALOIE.frl]
set OrderingDept [datget [grmfetch $GRMin ordering_dept] VALUE]
if { [cequal $OrderingDept XRAY] || [cequal $OrderingDept PROC] } {
keylset detail
DEST flexirad_out
TYPE xlate
XLATE CCS.orders.OMFALOIE.to.FlexiRad.ORM_O01.xlt
lappend xrayRouting $detail
msgrouteset $mh $xrayRouting
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
} elseif { [cequal $OrderingDept LAB] } {
keylset detail
DEST flexilab_out
TYPE xlate
XLATE CCS.orders.OMFALOIE.to.FlexiLab.ORM_O01.xlt
lappend labRouting $detail
msgrouteset $mh $labRouting
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
} elseif { [cequal $OrderingDept RESP] } {
keylset detail
DEST clinivision_out
TYPE xlate
XLATE CCS.orders.OMFALOIE.to.Clinivision.ORM_O01.xlt
lappend respRouting $detail
msgrouteset $mh $respRouting
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
} else {
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
error “CCS Order Mod sent for unknown destination -[set OrderingDept]-“
hcidatlistreset $DatList
grmdestroy $GRMin
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
shutdown {
# Doing some clean-up work
default {
error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in CCS_orders_routing”
return $dispList
So, here is a snippet of the code. I’m trying to either pass or fail the
message based on the location.
Basically, I get the location desired, but the check of that against the PROFIT list is always true. Probably something really simple but I haven’t been able to see it yet!
lappend PROFIT {West Avon Rd.} {South Street}
proc parseCSV {msg} {
variable SEGMENTS {} ;# List of Segments
variable DEBUG ;# Debug flag
variable PATREC ;# List of patient records locations
variable PROFIT ;# List of Cerner ProFit locations
variable myName ;# Procedure name
# Set field separator
set fldSep ,
if {$DEBUG} {
echo nStarting FNB-CSV pre-proc
# List of Segments
set SEGMENTS [split $msg $fldSep]
set LOCATION [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 5] $fldSep]
echo “Location found is: ” $LOCATION
if {[lsearch -exact $PROFIT $LOCATION] < 0} {
echo found
echo $PROFIT
# Message OK
return 1
What if your CSV contains embedded commas or control characters
In the startup portion of your proc:
package require csv
Replace set SEGMENTS [split $msg $fldSep]
set SEGMENTS [csv::split $msg]
I don’t know about the rest of the proc
Sorry for the dumb questions:
is the required csv package a built-in for tcl?
When I try to test the proc, it returns:
invalid command name “csv::split”
It is part of the supplied tcllib package
set SEGMENTS [split $msg $fldSep]
set LOCATION [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 5] $fldSep]
You are splitting twice with the same separators.
Also, are you removing double quotes?
Simsbury and “Simsbury” are not the same.