unable to convert date-time string question

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library unable to convert date-time string question

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  • #51722
    Kevin Crist

      i have a question about an error. The below tclproc has been running since last thursday. This morning i had one error,  ‘unable to convert date-time string “20100428 0035″‘. The following messages seemed to have worked so i am not real sure why this one errored.

      Here is the segment and field i am working with: Is there something in my code i need to change so this doesnt happen again? Or can someone explain why this errored. Thanks for any info.

      OBR|1||201004280035-70^RI|ABS^CLIN ABSTRACT PDF^INPC||201004280035|



      # Name: tpsBDI_OBX

      # Purpose: This tclproc is for the INPC Clinical Abstact. It fixes the

      # OBX-5 issue.


      # UPoC type: tps

      # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:

      #       MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)

      #       MSGID   message handle

      #       ARGS    user-supplied arguments:




      # Returns: tps disposition list:

      #          Continues the messages

      # or

      # Errors message if OBR, ORC is missing


      # Created: Kevin Crist, John Zalesak 05/27/2009






      proc tpsBDI_OBX { args } {


      # Get the Connection/Proc Name for Error/Debug Messages


      global HciConnName

      set myname “$HciConnName/[lindex [info level 1] 0]”

      set nowis [clock format [clock scan now] -format “%D – %T”]


      # Initialize Variables Used


      set dispList

    • ;# Disposition List Returned to Engine

      set fldSep “” ;# Field Seperator – get from MSH

      set subSep “” ;# SubField Seperator – get from MSH

      set repSep “” ;# Repeating Field Seperator – get from MSH


      set OBRpos -1 ;# Position of OBR Segment in msg

      set OBRList

    • ;# OBR Segment Fields in List Form

      set OBXpos -1 ;# Position of OBX Segment in msg

      set OBXList

    • ;# OBX Segment Fields in List Form

       set OBXPDF 5 ;# Field in the OBX that the PDF encoding is in


       set OBRDateTime 6  ;# Field in the OBR that the date/time is in

       set OBRTestCode 4 ;# Field in the OBR that the test code is in



      # Switch based on what mode the engine was in when it called the procedure


      keylget args MODE mode             ;# The mode the engine called from

       switch -exact — $mode {

        start { }

         run {

          set mh [keylget args MSGID] ;# Get message handle from args

         set dispList

        ;# Initialize to good message

             set msg [msgget $mh] ;# Get a copy of the message

             set fldSep [string index $msg 3] ;# Field Seperator

             set subSep [string index $msg 4] ;# Sub-Field Seperator

             set repSep [string index $msg 5] ;# Repeating Field Seperator

        set segList [split $msg r] ;# Split message into segList


        # Find Position of Segements – If missing -> Error out Message and Return


        set OBRpos [lsearch -regexp $segList {^OBR}]

        set OBXpos [lsearch -regexp $segList {^OBX}]

        if {$OBXpos < 0} {      msgmetaset $mh USERDATA “Required Segment OBX Missing!”  echo n n n  echo “:WARN – $OBXpos Segment Missing !”  echo “:WARN – Sending Message to error db.”  echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”  echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”  echo $msg  echo n n n            set dispList

               return $dispList




        # Split out the OBR and get the OBR-7 date/time so that it can be reformatted


        set OBRList [split [lindex $segList $OBRpos] $fldSep]

        #echo OBRList: $OBRList

             set datetime [lindex $OBRList $OBRDateTime]

           #The below regsub formats the date so that the following clock scan can be performed.

            regsub — {(d{8})(d+)} $datetime {1 2} datetime

            set datetime [clock format [clock scan $datetime] -format “%m/%d/%Y %H:%M”]

        #echo datetime: $datetime


        #  set newdatetime [string map {{ {}} $datetime]

        #echo newdatetime: $newdatetime  


        # Get the OBR-4 so that we can append that date and time to it.


          set testcode [lindex [split [lindex $OBRList $OBRTestCode] $subSep] 0]

        #echo testcode: $testcode

           lappend newtestcode $testcode $datetime

        #echo newtestcode: $newtestcode

             set newtestcode [string map {{ {} } {}} $newtestcode]

        set OBRList [lreplace $OBRList 4 4 $newtestcode]





        # Split out the OBX and get the OBX-5 and fill in the field with the .



           set OBXList [split [lindex $segList $OBXpos] $fldSep]


           set pdfcode [lindex [split [lindex $OBXList $OBXPDF] $subSep] 4]


        # Replacing the OBR DXCode code in the OBR-19


        set OBXList [lreplace $OBXList 5 5 $pdfcode]


        # Putting the OBR segment back together with the DXCode code in the OBR-19


           lset segList $OBRpos [join $OBRList $fldSep]

             lset segList $OBXpos [join $OBXList $fldSep]

             msgset $mh [join $segList r]



        # Rebuild msg and store at mh for engine



           time { }

           shutdown { }

        } ;# End Switch

        return $dispList

        } ;# End Proc

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